R.I.P. Dawn Lane


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Dawn Lane, a huge supporter of texas metal, in and out of state, lost her battle with cancer this morning at 4:00am. She leaves behind her loving husband Steele, and 3 month old don Brendon. Please everyone say a prayer for the family and keep them in your thoughts.

Dawn my friend you will be missed.

God Bless and keep your soul close.
Ditto to what Bear said above, John... I'm very sorry that you've lost a friend and it's extremely sad that her baby boy will grow up without really getting a chance to know his mother.

RIP Dawn and God bless Steele and Brendon.
See? See? Cancer has no friends! Only enemies and victims!

Fuck cancer, man. It's scary, before you experience it, you have no idea what cancer is, or what it truly means. My brother and I are FAR more aware of this shit now.

Dearborn, MI just recently lost its beloved Mayor to cancer. The guy was respected by EVERYONE in the city. Beyond political lines, beyond ethnical lines, beyond partisan lines, beyond regional lines.

R.I.P. Dawn Lane.

Cancer sucks.