Roger Waters to tour the Wall

Yeah, this is going to be awesome. I seen this the other day and thought about posting this but didn’t know how many Floyd fans are on here. I was beginning to think that Roger was not going to do this since it’s taking this long to announce the dates. I seen the tour where he did Dark Side and that was pretty cool. I’m not a big fan of that album but it’s always nice to hear live Floyd. I knew a guy that had a decent video bootleg of the Wall tour where they built it during the show but never found one for myself. I’ve seen some on You Tube but their not that great quality. But now I get to see this live!!! This is going to be awesome.

On a side note, I did see The Pink Floyd Experience the last time they played the Chicagoland area and they were pretty good. I recommend seeing them. I also have wanted to check out the Australian Pink Floyd but have not yet. Supposedly they are really good.
Yeah, this is going to be awesome. I seen this the other day and thought about posting this but didn’t know how many Floyd fans are on here. I was beginning to think that Roger was not going to do this since it’s taking this long to announce the dates. I seen the tour where he did Dark Side and that was pretty cool. I’m not a big fan of that album but it’s always nice to hear live Floyd. I knew a guy that had a decent video bootleg of the Wall tour where they built it during the show but never found one for myself. I’ve seen some on You Tube but their not that great quality. But now I get to see this live!!! This is going to be awesome.

On a side note, I did see The Pink Floyd Experience the last time they played the Chicagoland area and they were pretty good. I recommend seeing them. I also have wanted to check out the Australian Pink Floyd but have not yet. Supposedly they are really good.

I have a video and audio bootleg of The Wall done in Berlin to commemorate the Berlin Wall being torn down. The quality is astounding and it has many, many guest stars: The Scorpions, among many others. It shouldn't be that hard to find it if you are interested, I think I found it on ebay for like 2 dollars or something. Definitely worth it.
Yeah, saw this announcement on Facebook....this will surely rule.
I was HUGE into Pink Floyd in High School....almost like an unhealthy obsession. However, it did inspire some really kick ass art projects. And no, I was not on drugs. I hate when people associate Pink Floyd with drugs, as if you can't appreciate the music unless you are high. No imagination.
I saw Floyd on the Division Bell tour in '94-'95 and I saw Roger Waters on tour somewhere around 2000. There was no comparison, Pink Floyd was far superior. Of course this is a matter of taste, David Gilmour's solos give me chills so it was a little dis-heartening when Roger's guitarists couldn't pull off the solos like David did. Something was just... off. A sour note, not as much feeling... I don't know. I can still get the same feeling listening to Pulse, but somehow Rogers performance left me wanting. Still, since this is the closest I'll probably ever get to another Pink Floyd concert and since The Wall has a permanent spot in my desert-island-top-10 list I'll probably wind up catching the show.

I hate when people associate Pink Floyd with drugs, as if you can't appreciate the music unless you are high

I was never into drugs either and at this point in my life I would be classified as very anti-drug. I did try pot 2-3 times while I was in college, but I really didn't like what it did to me. I have to admit though that one of those 2-3 times was when I watched The Wall for the umpteenth time, and I really did get more out of the movie than I ever had before. It was weird how some things suddenly made sense in a way they never had before.
I have a video and audio bootleg of The Wall done in Berlin to commemorate the Berlin Wall being torn down. The quality is astounding and it has many, many guest stars: The Scorpions, among many others. It shouldn't be that hard to find it if you are interested, I think I found it on ebay for like 2 dollars or something. Definitely worth it.

I have seen that but I think that's Roger by himself doing it with guests (if I'm thinking of the same one). The one that I was looking for is from '80. It might actually be the one that the live CD (Is There Anybody Out There) they released. I do have a download I found a couple of years ago but like I said, the quality is really shit. With the 30 year anniversary of The Wall and the re-release of the film, I was really hoping they would release concert footage. I absolutely love the part where Roger sings Goodbye Cruel World through the one open brick and then closes it at the end.

Thanks for the suggestion though.
I saw Floyd on the Division Bell tour in '94-'95 and I saw Roger Waters on tour somewhere around 2000. There was no comparison, Pink Floyd was far superior. Of course this is a matter of taste, David Gilmour's solos give me chills so it was a little dis-heartening when Roger's guitarists couldn't pull off the solos like David did. Something was just... off. A sour note, not as much feeling... I don't know. I can still get the same feeling listening to Pulse, but somehow Rogers performance left me wanting.

I wanted to go to the Division Bell tour but I was too young. My mom would not let me :Smug: So I’ve never had a chance to see the, but I have seen Roger a few times and I agree with you, his guitarist is not up to par with Gilmour. He does a decent job, but I don’t think I enjoy listening to any guitarist as I do with David. The only thing that came close was seeing Riverside at PP.

It’s a long story but I got screwed out of tickets when David did his solo tour and I missed out. And now that Richard has passed, my dream of ever seeing them live together is gone. I hope David does do another solo tour some time so I can see him at least.
Yeah, saw this announcement on Facebook....this will surely rule.
I was HUGE into Pink Floyd in High School....almost like an unhealthy obsession. However, it did inspire some really kick ass art projects. And no, I was not on drugs. I hate when people associate Pink Floyd with drugs, as if you can't appreciate the music unless you are high. No imagination.

I also dislike when people associate Floyd with it as you don't need to be doing it to enjoy it. I am so psyched about this. The Wall is probably my hands down favorite album period.

I saw Floyd on the Division Bell tour in '94-'95 and I saw Roger Waters on tour somewhere around 2000. There was no comparison, Pink Floyd was far superior. Of course this is a matter of taste, David Gilmour's solos give me chills so it was a little dis-heartening when Roger's guitarists couldn't pull off the solos like David did. Something was just... off. A sour note, not as much feeling... I don't know. I can still get the same feeling listening to Pulse, but somehow Rogers performance left me wanting. Still, since this is the closest I'll probably ever get to another Pink Floyd concert and since The Wall has a permanent spot in my desert-island-top-10 list I'll probably wind up catching the show.

Agreed but still psyched. Truth be told there is NO ONE that can touch Gilmour's feel and emotion he brings out of the guitar. His dvd "Remember That Night" is truly amazing, though on the flip side sometimes I have issues with the guest vocalists. If only these two could make amends but unfortunately, that will never happen since they hate each other's guts. :erk: