Sons Of Liberty


Nashville, IN
December 16th, 2009.

Hello friends,
For the last several months I have been working on a new project/solo album called Sons of Liberty. I am excited to unveil this and talk about the motivations behind it this Friday on the Alex Jones show.
I will be in the studio with Alex on Friday December 18th at 2pm CST. The show is broadcast from 11am to 3pm CST to over 80 stations nation wide.
To find a station near you, go to or stream it LIVE for free from
Just click on and you will be able to follow the broadcast.
Prison Planet members can watch the interview from PrisonPlanet.TV
On a newly created website that will go live Friday, December 18th, you will be able to download and listen to this new album for free. You will also be able to purchase a high-resolution version. The web address is
My desire is for Sons of Liberty to become part of a much larger movement that is happening around the world. This new website will be a think-tank containing lots of interesting web-links, book and movie recommendations, and much more. This will be an ongoing process, so check back often.
I am very proud to be invited to Alex Jones’ show and I feel this is the perfect place for me to reveal the first Sons of Liberty album entitled “Brush-fires of the Mind.”
This is about the message and not the messenger. This is a project that I encourage you to copy and share with your friends.
I care very much about what is happening in our world, we’ve been steamrolling down this road for a long time, so I assure you this is not a politically biased message. I’m hoping to set a few brush-fires in the minds of the listeners with this one. So please, check it out, do the research and get involved!
Looking forward to getting your responses on this new chapter in my life!
All the best,
Jon Schaffer
I thought it was boring. I couldn't remember one song on it when it was finished. On a positive side, I'm glad Jon is getting this out of his system before leaking it into Demons & Wizards or Iced Earth.

I like about half the album. Maybe it will grow on me. You know the next project would have been a record with Ronnie James Dio, then Iced Earth then Demons & Wizards. Obviously with no label and Ronnie going through treatments all of the above are questionable...
I like about half the album. Maybe it will grow on me. You know the next project would have been a record with Ronnie James Dio, then Iced Earth then Demons & Wizards. Obviously with no label and Ronnie going through treatments all of the above are questionable...

I hadn't heard about the Schaeffer / Dio project. Rumor or confirmed? Would it be a Dio album or a new "supergroup" thing?
I hadn't heard about the Schaeffer / Dio project. Rumor or confirmed? Would it be a Dio album or a new "supergroup" thing?

It was mentioned in a Schaffer interview in 2008. I'll look for the link. He got close to Ronnie when they toured with Heaven & Hell. It didn't mention who would be in the band just Ronnie and Jon it sounded like...
Hawk, dammit all I tried but I just can't watch Alex Jones. Without launching this heavy metal forum into a needless political debate: there are legitimate gripes that he has (and I would presume Jon also), but they way they go about it is utter bullshit. Many of these conspiracy theories become a self-perpetuating & non-researched claim of "truth".

But, for the sake of the forum I think it best if this matter is ignored and the music discussed. PM would be the best way to further any discussion should anyone so choose, but I think it best to not disturb these sleeping dogs, as it were and allow music to remain the focal point of discussion.

That said, the music actually sounded pretty good.
Hawk, dammit all I tried but I just can't watch Alex Jones. Without launching this heavy metal forum into a needless political debate: there are legitimate gripes that he has (and I would presume Jon also), but they way they go about it is utter bullshit. Many of these conspiracy theories become a self-perpetuating & non-researched claim of "truth".

But, for the sake of the forum I think it best if this matter is ignored and the music discussed. PM would be the best way to further any discussion should anyone so choose, but I think it best to not disturb these sleeping dogs, as it were and allow music to remain the focal point of discussion.

That said, the music actually sounded pretty good.

You are right. Alex Jones is a total conspiracy nut that talks out of his ass.
I posted this because someone may be interested in the background of the music. I agree that there is no need to discuss this at this forum.
Excellent set of music. Jon holds his own on vox better then I would have expected.
I hope it gets released in CD format.

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I like the music. The songs sound good to me and I've been listening to it for about a week now. I like Iced Earth and this dosen't sound too far removed from IE.

But I agree with what was said earlier. It's difficult, but I try to distance myself from the propaganda:loco: and only enjoy the Metal. :headbang:

This sitiuation reminds me of Stryper. I liked the music but I don't like being preached to. I know Dave Mustaine likes to hit me over the head politically, but even he dosen't do it every song on every album. This being a sort of concept album with the same theme throughout, it's difficult to digest at first, but I definitely like it now, after listening to it for a week.