

New Metal Member
Jul 21, 2009
i've literally just signed up here and am unfamiliar with the "culture" so to say. So spare me if i've broken etiquette. I'm in a musical rut of sorts. listening to the same cd's by the same bands for going on....3 years ago ever since i found out that nu metal was shit and fell in love with in flames and symphonic death metal (and finland in general for spawning gods) i was hoping for some suggestions on where to look for some ass kicking music. not really into behemoth or dimmu borgir etc. but i do know that their are alot of little known bands that rock to boat. im currently listening to kalmah, in flames, dark tranquility, and children of bodom.

all suggestions welcome (hopefully with a short description of what the musics like)
the best way to get of a rut is to stop listening to the stuff you normally listen to and try something different. so quit playing gay melodeath and check out some real death metal.
At the Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours
Sacramentum - Thy Black Destiny
Dissection - The Somberlain
Be'Lakor - Stones Reach
Black Sun Aeon - Darkness Walks Beside Me
Kiuas - The Spirit of Ukko