Swimming in the warm waters off Miami

Here is an explanation...

Mr. Jobson moves very S-L-O-W-L-Y. He announced a new UK album in 1996 (I believe - may have been earlier). After many fits and starts and bits of information fed to the "prog media" the album never materialized. When UKZ was announced as a band, a gig was scheduled for Los Angeles and then cancelled (with no release in sight). For some time fans have been waiting for music to materialize. When it finally did it was only a 4 song EP. Supposedly there is a full length album in the works but given Mr. Jobson's slow pace it doesn't appear as though a release is imminent. Hopefully I'm wrong.

So...its not a hold your sldes belly laugh but it does produce a smile to think that something else from UKZ will be bouncing around our braincells soon.