Time to Book Flight?


New Metal Member
Sep 3, 2005
Being that I am a first timer in the Prog Power world, I'm not exactly sure what the best time as in month,would be to book our flight. I'm trying to get the cheapest price available, I'm from Los Angeles if it helps any.:hotjump:
Hold off for a bit. Do some price-checking and see what prices are running. From L.A., you should be able to score around $220-240 roundtrip on AirTran, depending on where you look. If you find one at around $200, you might as well go for it because I doubt you'll beat it.


www.hotwire.com <--- I like them because they include all fees in their quote
and of course,

Right now I think Hotwire will tell you upfront that their best deals won't show up until within 3-4 months of the flight dates.
sloppyj03 said:
Yea i got the room booked i just didnt know when to book the flight thanks =)

Aren't you rooming wth your idol Zod?????? :D

I generally book my flight in mid-late spring. You have to play the guessing game with rates. The rates quoted to you from LAX to ATL seem cheap to me. I pay between 200 & 225 from Milwaukee, the cheapest ever got was $165...

J-Dubya 777 said:
Aren't you rooming wth your idol Zod?????? :D
I would if I was worthy of such an act..sadly im not secksy nor elite enough to handle a task like that =(
I had to settle for a cheap imatation Zed
Yes I am nothing more than a complete knock off of The General Zod, a crazed fan if you will, perhaps thats all ill ever be =(
I have already booked my airline ticket, and it was only $20, that is because i used some frequent flyer miles i had forgotten about. I fly an average of 8 to 10 times a year either to Korea, Japan or the other way to Greece, Saudi Arabia and Israel, my miles build up quickly, but i had forgotten the 6 trips i took on Delta between 2003 and now, so wooooooohoooooo a $20 ticket. if i had bought the ticket the cheapest out of EL PASO to Atlanta was $478. So i am there.
Get an idea of what the average price is for flights from your location to ATL, and then prowl all the major flight sites every couple of days. Average price from BWI is about $230; most years I've been able to get a flight for about $180. Last year, there was some kind of price war over the summer, and I nabbed a ticket for $140 on Delta. (AirTran tends to mirror Delta's prices, too.)
I am flying out of Los Angeles on Tuesday Night arriving Wed. morning. The thing with LAX is trying to get the flight out the same day to get there before anything starts. I waited last year and my airfare was a bit pricey. I've seen rates from $218-345 r/t via American Airlines and Northwest Airlines. Last year I just went to the LAX website and found all carriers with DIRECT flights (as this is extremely important to me) then surfed around till I found a good price.

This year I bought in Jan. all booked and ready to go, just waiting on the show tix to go on sale. Airfare was really inexpensive in Jan. and will only get more expensive as the fuel prices rise and we get into Spring/Summer.

Best of luck to you! I see currently $325 r/t direct flight via Delta.
I went last year to ProgPower from LA. The cheapest I found was a Southwest flight w/ a lay over in Denver. The layover was only 1/2 hour. It departed from John Wayne airport. It went for about $250 roundtrip. I would also reccomend not to use hotwire or those sites. They usually are not the cheapest. You need to go directly to the airlines site.
FWIW, I despise HotWire. if you have nothing better to do than hang around the Philly airport for 5 hours, though, I guess they're okay. :p

Try orbitz.com... they charge a $5 fee if you book through them, but I can usually get a good idea of what's cheapest there, then I go directly to the airline's site to book it.

I would probably not book anything until at least July, probably August... a month out should be more than enough based on my experience.
I would definitely hold off on booking a flight until a month or two before the show. With how the airline industry has had airlines fold, or be bought out, you don't want to get stuck with a ticket that isn't worth anything.
sloppyj03 said:
Being that I am a first timer in the Prog Power world, I'm not exactly sure what the best time as in month,would be to book our flight. I'm trying to get the cheapest price available, I'm from Los Angeles if it helps any.:hotjump:

Last year I flew AirTran out of LAX for $298 ($258 before taxes/fees), after booking just over three weeks before the plane departed. I recall there being a $240 (I think even counting taxes/fees) flight on some odd airline (maybe America West) that I couldn't take because I had to get in Sunday afternoon to play a hockey game.

One year, I took JetBlue from Long Beach to Atlanta for $198, non-stop. That was very nice, but JetBlue discontinued LGB/ATL service before the following year.

Anyways, Unless you find something magical, there probably is no real reason not to wait until August. Search the flights on Yahoo/Travelocity, HotWire, and Orbitz, then buy them directly from the airline, where they are usually five bucks cheaper.

Just make sure you don't take my aisle seat. :D
The Coastal King said:
Anyways, Unless you find something magical, there probably is no real reason not to wait until August.

Well, unless you just like to hold onto your money a little longer. That's my only reasoning. :) With my interest-bearing checking account, I'd probably make another 2, maybe even 3 cents off that money between now and then!!
The Coastal King said:
Anyways, Unless you find something magical, there probably is no real reason not to wait until August. Search the flights on Yahoo/Travelocity, HotWire, and Orbitz, then buy them directly from the airline, where they are usually five bucks cheaper.

well that's not entirely true at all

the airlines set prices for each "class" of seat and adjust that price accordingly based on demand; they can easily get cheaper as the year progresses
there are some specials from LA right now... you can email me if you need help...that is what i do for a living....i just bought my tickets to LA for $200 roundtrip...and i saw another right after for $179


sloppyj03 said:
Being that I am a first timer in the Prog Power world, I'm not exactly sure what the best time as in month,would be to book our flight. I'm trying to get the cheapest price available, I'm from Los Angeles if it helps any.:hotjump: