Tobias Sammet updated about the tour


Aug 1, 2002
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Hah... Did anyone see Tobias Sammet's (Edguy) post regarding the current tour with Hammerfall and Into Eternity?

"The tour is a big success and great fun for both bands. We are currently thinking about playing EDGUY chants over the PA while HAMMERFALL play, throwing eggs and bottles at each others and finally start reality TV shows. Just kidding! It's great fun and I am really looking forward to playing the final six shows before we return home to continue working on the album. HAMMERFALL are great guys to hang out with and the fans seem to really enjoy the package. Meanwhile I hope all of you are all gonna enjoy our new CD and DVD. Take care and read more news soon."

As much as I love Edguy, that was very pompous and unprofessional. How fucking ridiculous can you be to the point of NOT EVEN MENTIONING the other band in the tour, band which has been kicking ass every single night? It's about time Into Eternity gets a little bit more respect, especially from such "rock stars" like Toby. He can be very nice, respectful and funny (I've met him many times before) but that was just too much. Toby, you disappoint me.

The guys in Into Eternity should issue some sort of tour update without clearly mentioning this, but slightly touching the subject...
I agree. I was surprised that there was no mention of Into Eternity in that update either. Maybe the guys from Edguy are just bitter from being blown off the stage night after night.
I have a feeling they don't understand what a much heavier band like IE does on their bill. I'm not surprised by this, Tobias can be nice and friendly but I know (from other friends) that he isn't always like that. And about this tour I have heard that our guys hang out with some members of the bands while other members totally ignore them. I can't imagine why you wouldn't even talk to the bands you're touring with. You don't have to become best buddies with everyone, but if a little chat can even be too much, then your social skills are not good enough to be out there IMO.
Marlies, you are correct... Our guys told me the exact same thing about Edguy, they're not always in the "best" mood and they ignore you for no reason later. Stu was telling me that he was actually trying to make conversation with Toby all the time (He looks up to Toby as for singing), I'm hoping it's working out.

Anyway, IE will kick major amounts of ass in the next tour as well, and I'm sure Strat will mention them!
I was talking to Rob about this when they were last in Mass and it seems they get that reaction alot from the Powermetal type bands. I think it has alot to do with IE's totally unique sound, its not all Happy Happy Joy Joy and they are off put by the death vocals but yet at the same time they are beautiful and melodic and are also a 1,000 times more Progressive than either Hammer or Edguy, Whos 2 main Influences are quite clear Maiden and Helloween... I believe they Fear IE because they are different and that they know 20 years down the road when ppl can barely remember the name Edguy Into Eternity will be Legendary ... thats my take on it ... Did that make abit of sense at all? I have been awake for 25 or so hours :lol: ... Oh yeah and I was disapointed to that Toby didnt mention a single thing about IE, its a Damn Shame Really!! ... But I do believe if the guys keep up the pace and the hard work its going to pay off big time for em!!
Krigloch the Furious said:
big deal. both are good bands.

I think if it came to the point of you and your band being in IE's shoes in this situation you wouldn't think like that. I'm not showcasing my fanboytitis but the truth to be told is NO ONE would like to be "left out" like that. At least I wouldn't.
AngraRULES said:
[/i]As much as I love Edguy, that was very pompous and unprofessional...especially from such "rock stars" like Toby. He can be very nice, respectful and funny (I've met him many times before) but that was just too much. Toby, you disappoint me.
you should read my interview with tobias! lol
you nailed his personality perfectly
Yeah, I remember seeing that a few days ago. Not too many bands would neglect to mention everyone on the bill. IE got a little bit of attitude from Edguy (or Kamelot, forgot which) at ProgPowerV when they were supposed to get a soundcheck. I tried to talk to Edguy backstage when I ran into them--one of them said something in German and the others laughed. Not cool.
It's kind of interesting how the death metal bands IE tours with are always very friendly, cordial, and endorse each other on and off stage while some power and prog-bands, including their fans, can be somewhat elitist at times. I think Strato will be cool though. Their singer is a nice guy, and put up with us doing a barbershop quartet singing "Eat my ass" at his hotel room door at 2am. IE will be co-headlining too, so I'm sure there will be more respect.
WithinAnother said:
I think Strato will be cool though. Their singer is a nice guy, and put up with us doing a barbershop quartet singing "Eat my ass" at his hotel room door at 2am. IE will be co-headlining too, so I'm sure there will be more respect.

that's awesome :lol:
WithinAnother said:
Yeah, I remember seeing that a few days ago. Not too many bands would neglect to mention everyone on the bill. IE got a little bit of attitude from Edguy (or Kamelot, forgot which) at ProgPowerV when they were supposed to get a soundcheck. I tried to talk to Edguy backstage when I ran into them--one of them said something in German and the others laughed. Not cool.
It's kind of interesting how the death metal bands IE tours with are always very friendly, cordial, and endorse each other on and off stage while some power and prog-bands, including their fans, can be somewhat elitist at times. I think Strato will be cool though. Their singer is a nice guy, and put up with us doing a barbershop quartet singing "Eat my ass" at his hotel room door at 2am. IE will be co-headlining too, so I'm sure there will be more respect.

Im assuming that was at ProgPower, i was there too... Timo was awesome indeed, and so were our boys from IE....

The Ed Guys can be very friendly, but let's hope they dont become as cocky as other bands such as manowar....
This quote was taken from the Blabbermouth comments related to the last Into Eternity update (09/05/2005). Sounds like all of the guys from Edguy need to be Osbourne'd and have eggs thrown at them:

I'll quote Edguy's Webmaster and say the same thing cause I feel the same way.

"They take the worst parts of death metal and the worst parts of power metal and blend them together"
Cool...I found the exact quote on the Edguy forums:

Now, considering I had already seen Into Eternity at Progpower V last year in Hotlanta I knew what to expect, or more fittingly, what not to expect. I had not been impressed with them at progpower and once they hit the stage I realized my opinion was not going to change. The next night in Columbus, OH Matt made the perfect statement that typifies Into Eternity… something to the effect of, “they take the worst parts of death metal and the worst parts of power metal and blend them together…” Well, I think that’s exactly correct and find the songs and the band almost impossible to listen to, let alone enjoy.

So, after 30 minutes which had seemed like 03 hours Into Eternity blessed us all by leaving the stage and now we were finally able to begin the countdown for Edguy.

This is, by the way, coming from the "official Edguy webmaster" which would make him an agent for the band.

Feel free to read the pathetic waste of skin's comments for yourself:
Sped said:
Now, considering I had already seen Into Eternity at Progpower V last year in Hotlanta I knew what to expect, or more fittingly, what not to expect. I had not been impressed with them at progpower and once they hit the stage I realized my opinion was not going to change. The next night in Columbus, OH Matt made the perfect statement that typifies Into Eternity… something to the effect of, “they take the worst parts of death metal and the worst parts of power metal and blend them together…” Well, I think that’s exactly correct and find the songs and the band almost impossible to listen to, let alone enjoy.

So, after 30 minutes which had seemed like 03 hours Into Eternity blessed us all by leaving the stage and now we were finally able to begin the countdown for Edguy.

This is a very Ignorant person that should Open their ears before their mouth .... that or be drug into the street and shot....:D
Power metal? Bwahaha, what a dumbass, since when does IE do anything that's even remotely power metal. Edguy and their fans sound like a bunch of power metal dorks that can't appreciate anything different. I think IE should keep touring with death/prog metal bands and forget these power metal sissies, hopefully they get more respect from Stratovarius and Sonata Arctica. I wish IE could get on the tour with Opeth and supposedly Nevermore and Between The Buried And Me, that would be the perfect show for them.
Ehh... are you gonna say the clean vocals are not Power Metalish at all?

Guitar harmonies and all?

I see some power metal in Into Eternity. Not a whole lot, but there definitely is some of it.