Underused, or words that should NEVER be in a metal song title


Apr 18, 2004
Coral Springs, FL
What are words that are almost never used in metal song titles, and for good reason?

Bonus topic: what are the most appalling metal song titles ever? Not appalling for being too derivative, but appalling precisely because no metal band should ever have such a song title?

Ideally, the song title should not have been intended as a joke or be a cover.

Lavatory Love Machine...and...
Heavy Metal Hamster...

...come to mind...
Speaking of Helloween, they must have two of the worst album titles ever:

Pink Bubbles Go Ape
Rabbit Don't Come Easy

There's four words that should never been in metal titles right there: pink, bubbles, ape, and rabbit.
I dunno. Slough Feg's 'Ape Uprising" works pretty well, and is appropriate given the amterial on the album itself.
You know what really has to stop? Band names or song titles or album titles that are oxymoronic. Oh, your name is a contradiction, how clever!

I've said before, cheesy is one thing, but pretentiousness is a lot more annoying. It's rare that a metal band produces something that is actually profound or intelligent. Most of the time it's just posing, trying NOT to be cheesy, but being more cheesy in the process. If you're a cheeseball, embrace the cheese!:lol:
In the song "Save us Now" by Edguy, it is about an "High Speed Alien Drum Bunny" hilarious song, and a pretty damn good song.

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