Which band would you must LOVE to see at P.Power

I would love to see the Devin Townsend Band play again. They were at PP III!

I know alot of you guys were thrown seeing them open for SX, but I felt their performance was great at PP III and it was definately something a little different than the rest of the bands.
BABS said:
I would love to see the Devin Townsend Band play again. They were at PP III!
I would much prefer to see Strapping Young Lad, who always put on a far more energetic and much tighter performance than DTB did at PPIII (can't speak for the SymX tour because I didn't catch it), but SYL may be too big and scary sounding for the ProgPower crowd at large. I think they're the ultimate live show, though. just damn.

Extension of the Wish was brilliant in my opinion. That album blew me away and still does. I personally rank it up there in the top echelon of new age Prog Metal albums, really songs like The Words Unspoken, Crescendo of Thoughts, hell the whole album is simply amazing. When I heard II = I I just was like what the hell happened? I found it to be horrendously dull, boring and highly uninspired. When I reviewed it I will admit I was simply just mad and dissapointed and wrote a really crappy review. I changed it after a few days to what it is now on the site but it still didnt stop all the "You fucking suck" "Fuck you Ben eat a dick you prog hating fag" Hell, Even Johan posted telling me how much I sucked. The funny thing was, we were the first people really to review the album (we had the Japanese promo version that came out several months before the Euro), and after the release more dissapointing reviews showed up many places like BWBK and whatnot. Hell the funniest review I read of it is right here, http://www.joemetal.com/Reviews/andromedaii=i.htm

I wonder if Johan emailed him to tell him to fuck off too. Anyways, despite having a band member telling you that you're a dumb ass I still really like Extension of the Wish and if Andromeda play this year I'll get them to sign it, I just wont tell them who I am ;).

If I had any say so I would request one of the following Bands:
Sonata Arcitica
Iron Saviour
Dragon Force

I am really looking forward to the Festival this year as I have been to the last 3 and they just keep getting better.

Manticora would be my choice, they fit power metal and have progressive elements with odd time signatures, tempo and mood changes within the songs. I'd also like to see DragonForce cuz their so damn fast, but unlike other fast metal their music is still understandable. We'll just have to wait until March 1, 2004 to find out the details