UM Hall of Fame April '16 Edition

They're a footnote in the history of black metal. An honorable mention, no doubt, but their music is barely above average.
What renders their music "barely above average"? And how are they a footnote when they've been a primary influence on countless major black metal bands?
Why not? They're just not that good. I still love the band, they're legends with multiple classic albums, I just despise the last few.
I'm suggesting that makes no sense to me, whatsoever.

I think their most recent album is actually one of their best, what's there to hate about this?

It's utterly fucking glorious.

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What renders their music "barely above average"? And how are they a footnote when they've been a primary influence on countless major black metal bands?

Because it's not very good. Bad vocals, hit and miss riffs most of which don't stand up to repeat listens. Welcome to Hell and Black Metal are 6/10 albums... just above average.

And whether or not they influnced other bands has no bearing on the quality of their records in and of themselves. Sorry, I'm not gonna pretend to think something is good just because it had an influence on great musicians. That's what footnotes and honorable mentions are for.
I just hate it because it's a cheap devolvement into the Norsecore horseshit that seems to be seething in the genre lately. Personified by faggy, egocentric, pretentious hacks like "King Ov Hell" and "Gaahl".
So you hate it for reasons that make no sense and don't even relate to the development of Darkthrone? Seems pretty fucking stupid to me. But you're more than free to miss out on great metal for dumb ass reasons.

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Because it's not very good. Bad vocals, hit and miss riffs most of which don't stand up to repeat listens. Welcome to Hell and Black Metal are 6/10 albums... just above average.

And whether or not they influnced other bands has no bearing on the quality of their records in and of themselves. Sorry, I'm not gonna pretend to think something is good just because it had an influence on great musicians. That's what footnotes and honorable mentions are for.
I'll give you that Cronos' vocals aren't the greatest on a technical level. As for the hit and miss riffs, I couldn't disagree with you more. They punch like a sledgehammer, and have been imprinted on my memories since I first heard them all those years ago. If you find them immemorial, that's your prerogative.
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So you hate it for reasons that make no sense and don't even relate to the development of Darkthrone? Seems pretty fucking stupid to me. But you're more than free to miss out on great metal for dumb ass reasons.

Don't even relate to the development of Darkthrone? I'd say it does. The last few albums have been acting just in the same way that the hypergeneric new 2000's black metal bands have been sonically. It's all hideously derivative sounding to me.
Don't even relate to the development of Darkthrone? I'd say it does. The last few albums have been acting just in the same way that the hypergeneric new 2000's black metal bands have been sonically. It's all hideously derivative sounding to me.

I hope you reconsider. This is craziness to me, haha. I hope at the very least you own the albums and you're not just going off of some shallow experience via youtube or something.
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They seem to be obsessively following retro metal trends and then just doing a crappier job than the assload of bands that are already doing well with it. Just look at Circle The Wagons.
They seem to be obsessively following retro metal trends and then just doing a crappier job than the assload of bands that are already doing well with it. Just look at Circle The Wagons.

It's a great album. The rest of that is just your perception, you don't know if they're following trends, they certainly don't sound like it. Name one throw-back retro metal band around today that sounds like Darkthrone.
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Apparently any band that is massively influential on multiple styles of music is just a footnote in metal history if someone says that they find them average musically. That sounds like a credible argument.
It's a great album. The rest of that is just your perception, you don't know if they're following trends, they certainly don't sound like it. Name one throw-back retro metal band around today that sounds like Darkthrone.
You sure about that? Fenriz has explicitly charted out the bands that he's trying to honor (and failing to do so), and even without his recommendation lists he's published, it's blatant in the soundscapes that bands like Nausea and more are what he's trying to imitate. The music just seems to aimlessly regurgitate stuff that was already done and done so much better in the early 80's. Beyond just that, what the hell is Darkthrone even trying to do with literal ass cancer like Black Mountain Totem?