Thank you Timeline


Bottom Line
Sep 17, 2002
Nor Cal

You guys are simply awesome. Thanks so much for everything you did to make this show such a great night. I am hearing a lot of positive feedback from many of our fans and wanted to say again! Great Job! :headbang: You really tore it up and kicked the night off in grand fashion.

Hey we get to do it again in May which rules!
Hey Ed,

Thanks a lot. I am personally humbled and inspired by you and the other great bass players who performed. I am very much looking forward to working with you again in May.

Thanks Ed for the awesome post on our site as well as being an absolute pleasure to work with on-site in Santa Clara.
Please be sure to tell Bill, Doug and most of all Ted thank you from me for the wonderful feedback each one of them gave me personally about my own performance as well as the other members of Timeline.
It was the most incredible experience for me to have members of a band I have admired for the past 10 years give me great comments on my voice.
I deeply appreciate it more than you know.
And now enough of the mushy stuff....when is the fricking after-show party going to happen already!!!!


All you guys were great! next time we might be able to actually have an after party since we are not playing at friggen midnight right? nothing like coming offstage to a completly thrashed and depleted dressing room void of any beer. That was the worse. Next time we will be partying when Spocks is playing. :kickass:

Thanks Ed for the awesome post on our site as well as being an absolute pleasure to work with on-site in Santa Clara.
Please be sure to tell Bill, Doug and most of all Ted thank you from me for the wonderful feedback each one of them gave me personally about my own performance as well as the other members of Timeline.
It was the most incredible experience for me to have members of a band I have admired for the past 10 years give me great comments on my voice.
I deeply appreciate it more than you know.
And now enough of the mushy stuff....when is the fricking after-show party going to happen already!!!!

