Recent content by derek

  1. derek

    Please reccomend music from the last 5 or so years.

    The latest Saor record is the balls. It's like you're sitting under shelter from the driving rain in the middle of the Scottish Highlands. A landscape shorn from forces as old as the planet.
  2. derek


    Yeah, it's ace! Neal, yep, "bollocks" means "shit" and "the dog's bollocks" means "brilliant".
  3. derek

    Is it wrong

    I have come out of the nut-closet. :Spin:
  4. derek

    Is it awesome

    I tweet about football, basically. Again, I read it more than I tweet.
  5. derek


    So, Skyfall was the dog's bollocks. Excellent film making. They were going in a particular direction with QoS, but it didn't work and Forster was the wrong choice. Mendes was much smarter.
  6. derek

    Is it hipster-ish...

    Elitism has a shit tonne to answer for.
  7. derek

    Your old VHS tapes

    I actually sold a few of them. I had a couple that were totally mint, so I sold them on Ebay for a fair bit each (about 20 dollars), which was pretty good. The rest I've just given to a charity shop. They told me they're basically worthless, but that they'll give it to a kids home, or a halfway...
  8. derek

    Is it wrong

    I love nuts.
  9. derek


    Guy is the shiz.
  10. derek

    Butt Chugging

    Now is your chance, big boy.
  11. derek

    post your sexy pics here

    Imperial measurements are still the shiz in Britain but my time living on the continent has given me a healthy respect for metric. Which is superior.
  12. derek

    Butt Chugging

    Fuck me this is silly.
  13. derek

    Now Van's open to a reunion

    I'm with Kevin on this one. Uneasy_Conscience comes out with some interesting stuff on occasion, but usually it's just the most tiring and arrogant tosh. The superior attitude and how seriously he takes himself makes me laugh. You ain't the be all and end all, you ain't done it all, ain't...
  14. derek

    Now Van's open to a reunion

    Nope. He's a Yankee.
  15. derek

    Now Van's open to a reunion

    Coconut is 110% the shiz.