Please reccomend music from the last 5 or so years.

Det Som Engang Var

Viking Bastard
Jun 3, 2005
Houston, TX
It doesn't have to be a music video, but Youtube links are appreciated.

I like...

Folk Metal
Good production black metal
Mid paced doom clean vocals only
Avant Garde
Drum N Bass
Hip Hop
Non cheesy prog metal

Thanks, guys.
Mokey-Dokey, I'm bored and am totally procrastinating from doing work, so here goes.

1) Folk Metal -
Admittedly I've also been out of touch with most Folk Metal for the past few years because of the over saturation of stupid Ensiferum/Alestorm type bullshit. However, last year a band named Arsaidh (now renamed as Saor) released an atmospheric folk/black metal album which a year later is still frequently listened to by me. They're outta Scotland, and the celtic elements really set this apart from the whole Wolves In the Throne Room/Altar of Plagues scene that they would probably otherwise get lumped in with. Truly outstanding album... here's the whole thing! It can feel overly-repetitive at times, but stick with it, usually it pays off.

I just learned that they just released another album, which I had no idea about. I'll give that a listen and update if its any good.

2) "Mid paced doom clean vocals only" - These two recos are not exactly what you're asking for, but close enough and they're amazing so, I'll mention them.
a. Not sure how you feel about stoner doom, I don't really like any of it, with one huge exception: Subrosa. What really sets them apart are vocals and the two violinists who really lay down the atmosphere. Their last two albums are both phenomenal. Prepare to be bummed out.

b. Not doom at all, more of a mix of 80's heavy metal and old school goth (the good kind), is In Solitude, with the album they released last year, "Sister". This was my AOTY for 2013. I include them here because its gloomy, midpaced, and only clean vocals.

3) Avant Garde -
Not sure if this one counts, but I can't really figure out what genre to call it... Blackened Post-Avante Guarde Goth Rock/Metal?! Who knows. Vaura's 2012 album "Selenelion" is a truly unique album, and one of my favorite albums from the last few years. Another full album, isn't the internet just grand? Oh, and you may be initially turned off by the first vocals on the first song. Stick with it, the album is mostly clean vocals.

4) "Good production black metal" -
Now I don't know if you mean black metal with a clean mix, or production that just doesn't sound like shit. Here's what I got:
a. (this is kind of shitty youtube compression. the mix on this album is HUGE.)



Thats all I have for now, if I think of more I'll post.
The latest Saor record is the balls. It's like you're sitting under shelter from the driving rain in the middle of the Scottish Highlands. A landscape shorn from forces as old as the planet.
Agalloch thye are good but not brillant
Foundnthry came from portland - it figgers .....


Pinnick gales
Tombs 2014
White lung (wally would enjoy thid for breskfsst)/
Eye hate god 2014
Chriisue hyde new ine
In the non-cheesy prog category, I love Circus Maximus (at least their first two), because they're prog without being cheesy or wanky. It's prog that lets songwriting go first and that's a rarity in the genre.

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Hey mate without knowing genres your digging, I'd recommend
John Williamson....
They are all various styles but some of my favourite,
Always on rotation!!!! Enjoy!!!
Darkane are excellent

Check out there vid clips - they are a band
From the dark space - 9 angles order.
Two to consider:

Temperance - Italian version of Epica.

Outloud -- A Greek band featuring George Kollias of Nile on drums.

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Out loud - sounds like a gay twisted sister

Temperance I really really likened the vid clip...
Nice colours and constrast....