Recent content by Harley Barley

  1. Harley Barley

    Anyone use the Sansamp Rpm?

    Somebody needs to re-upload these samples! dang
  2. Harley Barley

    Fulltone OCD for metal?

    I've got a glove too, sounds nothing like an OCD though.. didn't know it was supposed to be an OCD, although it is a nice pedal for sure. Didn't get up grabbing an OCD yet unfortunately
  3. Harley Barley

    Fulltone OCD for metal?

    Forgive my ignorance I haven't been on here in a while and I forgot the best way to search... or there is nothing on the forum about the OCD which I highly doubt :lol:. Anyways, I tried out a V4 today at a store and seemed pretty awesome used it with a rectoverb25 *what an amp I want one* it...
  4. Harley Barley

    Free snare sample package! Gog, Wav, TCI...

    It was definitely the sound of somebody dying because the snare sounded sooo freaking good! :rock: hahaha
  5. Harley Barley

    Free snare sample package! Gog, Wav, TCI...

    These are great sounding! thanks so much love the meridian slack. Also Musashi Crack 4 has the funniest bleed afterwards..
  6. Harley Barley

    5150 III Tube suggestions?

    I just picked up a 5150 III 100w for 700$!!!! :kickass: beyond stoked. Obviously the tubes are a bit fucky and worn out, its an older serial number #543 and hasn't been treated too well. I've replaced a few of them that seemed to be giving me problems with a few spare 12ax7's (sovtek WC) i had...
  7. Harley Barley

    Favorite mics for room/ambience

    royers are definitely a first choice in my drum room. but fat heads are a close second, very different sound but both equally as good. Fatheads have a super smoooth top and super creamy low end watch the kick drum doesnt become too intense. Royers just have this fantastic mid range character...
  8. Harley Barley

    How I turned a Bedroom Studio into a 6 Figure Business

    Thanks a lot Brian! been looking for something like this for a while! haven't read yet but i'm sure its great!
  9. Harley Barley

    Tape Saturation

    saturation is a form of compression so usually putting it before a compressor won't make the compressor pump as hard. if really depends on what you are trying to do when you are saturating something and what you are doing with the other processors it will change for all of them.
  10. Harley Barley

    Feedback for upcoming album greatly appreciated!

    drums need more punch, over all its need a bit more mid range/highs, guitars are a bit muddy in low mid area.
  11. Harley Barley

    Need Help with Modern Series Deathcore Distressor Comp Attack/Release Settings

    just listen every compressor still sounds very different with the same exact ratio,attack and release settings.. distressors you usually start attack and release at 5 and adjust from there
  12. Harley Barley

    Mic shoot out

    451 was my favourite. there sure is a lot of muddy low end in all those mics.. really small room?
  13. Harley Barley

    Mapex Saturn Kick 20x20

    Thank Alen for the .GOG and frank thats awesome! amazing you stayed up all night to do that pretty wicked ahah. Loren what heads were on it? i dont remember what this dude had on it i think it might have been like a pinstripe on the beater side ahaha.
  14. Harley Barley

    Mapex Saturn Kick 20x20

    I had a drummer in the other day with a new kit small Mapex Saturn walnut. The kick sounded so freaking fantastic had to sample it! It also made me think that smaller kicks are way better for metal because you don't have that huge low end that bigger kicks have there for are a lot cleaner and...