Recent content by priceofbeautyx3

  1. P

    Want Suicide Silence to play in your town?

    Sucide Silence needs to come back to Delaware.
  2. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    nick? What? I'm not a male, a nick, or a nympho.... I'm a Female, an Audra & I'm awesome & also a cannibal.
  3. P

    Post a pic of you NOW.

    it's only gross when it gets crusty cause it isn't healed all the way & you have to pick at it.. Other than that I love my septum ring.
  4. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    Just because you asked...... No. :heh:
  5. P

    Post a pic of you NOW.

    Hmm... I agree they're kinda gross. Not gross looking but noses are pretty much gross in general. I don't really like bridge piercings.
  6. P

    Post a pic of you NOW.

    That's a first.... Thank you.
  7. P

    Other recent female-vocal releases -- opinions?

    Arch Enemy's newest cd is my favorite when it comes to females in the metal industry. I'm not fond of Sirenia, or Tristania & I've never heard of epica. I like a few of Within Tempations songs but I'm not very pleased. I don't really like Lacuna Coil. As as aspiring female vocalist, I have a...
  8. P

    Post a pic of you NOW.

    why thank you. out of curiousity why dont you like septum rings?
  9. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    I'll eat you too.
  10. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    hmm... about my signature not working....
  11. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    How nice of you? I'd rather eat you. :lol:
  12. P

    What song would you want COB to cover?

    Something by Rush. hmmm..... Maybe Working Man.
  13. P

    What song would you want COB to cover?

    _DJ_british_motard_: Chicks in metal is kinda hot. Fuckin a chick when listening to metal is hotter though I told my boyfriend I want to have sex to Bed of Nails =D
  14. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    I'm Audra. I'm 16. I'm female. I masturbate hardly ever because I have a wonderful boyfriend who does all that for me =D. I like all different kinds of music but I like death metal mostly. My boyfriend got me into Children of Bodom recently & I like them a lot. Follow the Reaper is the only...