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  1. Phantasm (Band)

    Evil Thrash Metal

    Im just gonna leave this here
  2. Phantasm (Band)

    Megadeth vs Metallica

    I wanted to know what everybody thinks about this. Which band is better and who is more talented? I have made a small chart with my opinions, but lemme know yours. Musical Talent: I think Dave is overall has much more to offer when it comes to this debate. Not only that, but Chris Poland and...
  3. Phantasm (Band)

    Phantasm (American Thrash Metal)

    This is a spotlight on our demo, Black Death. We will be heading to the studio soon to record the full album but in the meantime, spread the demo to all your friends. We need your help to get us out there into the underground scene.
  4. Phantasm (Band)

    Are modern emo/metalcore bands the new glam metal?

    Before you give me shit for comparing emo/metalcore to glam, remember that I have a thrash mentality. This means I see glam as the posers and thrash as the kings. No disrespect to anyone that likes that kind of music, I just hate the music itself. You see, I've been seeing similarities to both...
  5. Phantasm (Band)

    Phantasm (Band)

    We are Phantasm from Santa Clarita, CA. We play thrash metal and have a demo out called "Black Death". Some of our influences include Megadeth, Slayer, Sepultura, Trash Talk, Whitechapel and Black Sabbath. - Facebook Page...
  6. Phantasm (Band)

    Second Wave of Thrash Metal (SWOTM)

    I've noticed that back in 2007, the SWOTM was a fairly big movement. With bands like Havok, Evile and Municipal Waste. My question is, could this wave be dying out? I personally think that some of these bands are still going strong, but not as mainstream as they used to be. The recent tour with...
  7. Phantasm (Band)

    Introducing Phantasm!

    Hello! We are here on Ultimate Metal to introduce our band. We are Phantasm from Santa Clarita, CA. We play heavy thrash metal and we would love to get more fans. We have a demo out on our soundcloud that you can check out! We also plan on going into the studio and recording a full length album...