Search results

  1. DeathBlade

    WoY on Rockband? Its possible...

    "MTV Games and Harmonix are opening up the Rock Band music store to everyone later this year. The Rock Band Network allows any artist to upload and price their own tracks for users to download from the game's music store."...
  2. DeathBlade

    Producer as Consumer

    I am reading a book for class and in it it says something to the point that any producer of any given medium will probably understand the medium a lot more thoroughly the the average consumer. But in doing so this creates a paradox because the producer takes for granted a lot of the meaning and...
  3. DeathBlade

    Any News?

    Is there any news at all about the new album or anything?
  4. DeathBlade

    Dead Can Dance

    I finally decided to check out this band that so many metal bands recomend, hail, or what not. I am really happy I did and am very happy with this band so far. Any one have any favorites of theirs? Any recomendations about bands like them? Also, one quicky question, though I usually hate...
  5. DeathBlade

    A Forest Stream Story

    Does anyone remember awhile back when I posted a story that used many of the lyrics from FS? Well recently I decided to try and put them online for a more broader audience, so I decided to put it up as an article on the zine that I write for, it (and a agalloch story) can be found here...
  6. DeathBlade

    Dead Can Dance

    I have heard a good amount of this band, but have no idea why. What type of music do they play, and why are they respected inside the music scene? Also if I were to get an album, which one would you recomend?
  7. DeathBlade


    I haven’t read through all the other forums yet, so I don’t know if this has been discussed or not, but just from skimming some of them there is a lot of talk about killing/life/living/dead etc. Now what are your thoughts on euthanasia? Personally I support euthanasia especially for cancer...
  8. DeathBlade

    Favorite Metal Lyrics?

    I was wondering what people thought were some of the best written metal songs, not musically but lyrically. So what are they?
  9. DeathBlade


    Go to and post something "nice" :loco: on his guest book lol. KILL HIM!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: Sorry for the migraines anyone gets from him.
  10. DeathBlade


    First off, is Forest Stream in any way a progressive band? Second, what is: Only the glow reflecting in the eyes of "phrentics" ??
  11. DeathBlade


    DId anyone else get this message from mekane? ... now he is really starting to annoy me....
  12. DeathBlade


    Just some satire written by me that I though some of you may find entertaining: Why Vote for the Lesser of two Evils? So, the election is coming up and people will be figuring out who they want to vote for. Some will watch the presidential debates, go to their speeches, research them, yet...
  13. DeathBlade

    Lyrics For Demo

    I am looking for lyrics for the snowfall demo, anyone know where to find them?
  14. DeathBlade


    This is just a poem (gasp! poem! NOOO SAVE ME!) I wrote while listening to Forest Stream and jus thought that I would put it here. Today Feels like something going to happen The winds of change will sweep across this desolate terrain What will happen? Today things will begin to change...
  15. DeathBlade

    Favorite AA song?

    Well what is it?
  16. DeathBlade


    I cant fint tickets for the Art Of Noise tour in my area (chicago) have checked ticket master but cant find it. Can anyone help me?
  17. DeathBlade


    Dont buy music from these comanies unless you want to support the RIAA!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
  18. DeathBlade


    I really enjoyed Forest Streams music, and am wondering if there are any other bands any of you would recomend?