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  1. predator666

    pointless, will probably be mocked

    lmfao who wants to start a cs clan with me?
  2. predator666


    the gayest game ever invented, but wow
  3. predator666


    now THIS is what i call christmas lights
  4. predator666


    any oppinions? havent heard them but ive heard some pretty good things about them. what cd should i buy?
  5. predator666

  6. predator666

    in the mood for a laugh

    lmfao... god bless the retarded
  7. predator666

    wow... umm holy shit
  8. predator666

    amon amarth

    i only recently started listening to them... i think theyre not bad but i was wondering what you guys think?
  9. predator666

    fucking emo sob's

    ok this is hilarious, i met this guy and seemed alright at first, but than he started talking about how depressed he was the other night. he started showing me all the scars on his wrists Naturally i started laughing my ass off and he got all mad. he started doing some hilarious stuff... he...
  10. predator666

    i spy some retards!

    is it just me? or did they spell the name wrong?
  11. predator666

    cs bitches!

    anyone here play cs?
  12. predator666


    ill probably get girlled for this, i am a satanist, and i just wondering if anyone else follows the satanic bible?
  13. predator666

    iron cobra questions...

    im almost 100% sure i want to buy an iron cobra but almost doesnt satisfy me... anyone got an oppinion on the iron cobra double bass pedal?
  14. predator666

    bodom at meridian

    anyone else here gonnago to the bodom at meridian concert on december 3rd?
  15. predator666

    some funny shit hehe i like that lol
  16. predator666


    Ok.... tell me how all the alien movies [R] and the predator movies [R].... make a AVP [PG-13]... THEY CUT OUT TWO OF THE GOD DAMNED PREDATORS! jesus......