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  1. Thoth-Amon

    Happy Birthday Mozart!

    Wolfgang turns 253 today! I honored the occasion by spinning Piano Concerto 26 and Violin Concerto 3. :notworthy
  2. Thoth-Amon

    Raynham Hall- my music project

    just got my myspace up for my music project... ambient/gothic/classical/soundtrack keyboard instrumental music. check it out and add me please!
  3. Thoth-Amon

    Chinese Democracy

    so rumor has it that this is supposed to be released exclusively through Best Buy Nov. 23. I just got a text message from Hell saying that they have not frozen over so I have to assume that this is just another twist in the endless saga that is Chinese Democracy. Your thoughts?
  4. Thoth-Amon

    Goth Rock

    Any fans? I love the Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Bauhuas, Christian Death (thanks Vossyrous!), et al. What are your thoughts. :Saint:
  5. Thoth-Amon

    Arghoslent Thread

    So I just picked up Galloping through the Battleruins... OMFG! This album is utterly fantastic. Non-stop killer riffs. I've had Incorrigible Bigotry for some time and loved it also. So I plan on picking up Arsenal of Glory and Hornets of the Pogrom ASAP. What are your thoughts on this original...
  6. Thoth-Amon

    Fun with Ep's!

    EP's can range in quality from absolute genius to utter tripe. What are some of your fav EP's and why? Here's a few of mine: Slayer- Haunting the Chapel. Possibly my fav EP. This is an obvious choice: it's old school Slayer with the first three tracks ranking amongst their best and amongst...
  7. Thoth-Amon

    Most Talented People in Metal

    So whom do you consider some of the most talented individuals in metal? One person who comes quickly to mind for me is Ihsahn. He is highly proficient on guitar, plays bass and keys, has a great black metal voice and a really good singing voice, he has great skills at arranging and...
  8. Thoth-Amon

    Judas Priest Summer Tour

    So is anyone else going to see this gig this summer? I'm seeing them at Mountainview, CA on Aug. 31. The line-up is: Priest, Heaven and Hell, Motorhead and Testament. Sounds like it's gonna be killer. If anyone else is going to this particular show PM me and maybe I'll see you there! :kickass:
  9. Thoth-Amon

    Favorite Composers!

    GO!! In order: Mozart Beethoven Bach Part Chopin Schubert Mahler
  10. Thoth-Amon

    Attention Comic Book Fans!

    My best friend Mike Garrett and I have just published the first issue of our new series: BEEF N' BRAINS! The characters were created by yours truly, the story was written by Mike and the artwork is curtesy of our friend Laz Novak. Beginning with issue #2 I will take over as writer and Mike will...
  11. Thoth-Amon

    Attention Comic Book Fans!

    My best friend Mike Garrett and I have just published the first issue of our new series: BEEF N' BRAINS! The characters were created by yours truly, the story was written by Mike and the artwork is curtesy of our friend Laz Novak. Beginning with issue #2 I will take over as writer and Mike will...
  12. Thoth-Amon

    Favorite Drum Performances

    Not, best performances or favorite drummers mind you but drum performances that you find yourself airdrumming to whenever you spin that disc and which just compliment the music perfectly. Here's a few of my faves: Lombardo- Seasons in the Abyss Mikkey Dee- Abigail Faust- In the Nightside...
  13. Thoth-Amon

    Sentinel Beast

    Anyone a fan of this 80's female fronted thrash band? I'm actually friends with the original guitarist for this group (Greg Williams). He was my guitar teacher and we also went to Sacramento State together. I just recently got back in touch with him. Anyway what are your thoughts on this band...
  14. Thoth-Amon

    Tasteful Shredding

    OK we all know about groups who go overboard with guitar wankery and Malmsteenisms essentially ruining whatever songwriting a particular album may have (some examples that come to mind are Necrophagist and Children of Bodom). But what do you feel are some examples of shredders who really know...
  15. Thoth-Amon

    King Diamond Tour Cancellation

    I heard from Nikki that King Diamond has cancelled his US tour. I'm majorly bummed. I was really looking forward to this show as I've never seen him perform. You can read more here: :waah::waah::waah:
  16. Thoth-Amon

    The Audacity & Line 6 Question Thread

    I posted this on the musicians discussion forum also... I know this isn't the most appropriate place for this question but I know that more people view this forum than that one so maybe I can get some help from someone here who might not see it on the Musicians Discussion forum. ok... so i...
  17. Thoth-Amon

    Audacity & Line 6 Question

    ok... so i just started getting into computer/home recording. I've got Audacity on my computer and I just bought the Line 6 Tone Port digital interface with the GearBox software. I can't for the life of me figure out why it isn't recording on Audacity. I can hear the tones in the headphones so I...
  18. Thoth-Amon

    Graveland Recommendations

    What are the best ones to aquire? I've got Thousand Swords downloaded on my computer and enjoyed it... what else is good?
  19. Thoth-Amon

    Perfect Metal Albums?

    What albums do you consider to be perfect in the realm of metal? If you have any "unusual" choices why do you consider them to be perfect? Mine are pretty standard and I can only think of seven right now: Metallica- Master of Puppets Slayer- Reign in Blood Mercyful Fate- Melissa; Don't Break...
  20. Thoth-Amon

    Favorite Live Metal Album

    This is sort of a sequal to my "favorite death metal album thread" (don't worry I'll drop the theme after this post). So what's yours? Mine is: Slayer- Live: Decade of Aggression. Just total freakin' aggression from start to finish, all classic Slayer. This was in fact my introduction to Slayer...