Search results

  1. Lionfrost

    Promotion, you said?

    Whaddya know, I "came" across this today: You'd think a metal store was going to open its doors there, and you'd think the person behind it is rather ND minded and is doing his best to support the tour as long as remodeling work is still being done inside. And to think all of this is...
  2. Lionfrost

    New top artwork for forum

    Yay, a splash of colour there. Based on the new cover art, no doubt. Looking good - me like. Not that it matters, but still. Rock on, you fine people.
  3. Lionfrost

    Novembers Doom Paul digs WoY

    This is what vocalist Paul of Novembers Doom posted in their forum: "I'd love to take a ND, Agalloch and Saturnus tour stateside! I'd want to add Woods of Ypres in that mix as well." ND is an amazing band and their forum, as well as WoY's, is one of the few I regularly dwell around in. So when...
  4. Lionfrost

    FLEMINGS! July 11th 2006...

    Since Dave was kind enough to share his people's day of celebration with us, here I am doing the same thing for mine, half an hour before the day is to end, raising my ale one last time in honour of my ancestors. :kickass: And this will be the only forum for me to do it in. Ypres (or...