Search results

  1. Rex Rocker

    How do Suhr humbuckers record?

    I'm looking at the Suhr SSH+ and Aldrich as an alternative to my beloved Duncan JB. The specs seem similar, but the clips seem to suggest they've got a little more open sound going in in the lows and highs and a nice attack... So has anybody used them and recommend them?
  2. Rex Rocker

    Question about the Maxon OD808, Ibanez TS9, and other tubescreamers

    Hey! So I was wondering if you guys have this "issue" as well. With my MXR overdrive I set it up by switching to a clean sound and then adjusting the Output knob until I get roughtly around the same volume with the pedal on or off. A friend of mine just bought an EHX East River Drive...
  3. Rex Rocker

    What would you recommend? Heil PR20 or Audix i5?

    I already have an SM57. I'm looking for a second mic that's along the lines, but that's a wee bit less boxy-sounding to blend in or as a standalone to mic a guitar cab. Which of those two would you pick for that job? How do they compare between themselves and with the SM57? Thanks! :)
  4. Rex Rocker

    Which are the best re-branded Shuguang C9's to get?

    I've bought a bunch of Ruby 12AX7AC5 HG's over the past year and they sound nice and all, but they all seem to be noisier and more microphonic than the JJ's I was running before. So what are your favorite re-branded Shuguangs? Penta? Ruby? Groove Tubes? Anyone else testing these well and...
  5. Rex Rocker

    Upgrading a Radial ProDI with a Jensen tranny... has anybody done it?

    So I got this Radial ProDI a while back because at the time I couldn't afford the JDI. Sometimes I feel it's a tad warm-sounding compared to just plugging my guitar into my interface's instrument input, but the pad on the ProDI comes in handy with 18V-modded EMG Hetfields and Duncan Blackouts...
  6. Rex Rocker

    Speakers to mix with V30's in an X pattern?

    So I have this Marshall 1960 cab that I got 2 Vintage 30's in with the stock T-75's in an X pattern. I'm not particularly fond of how T-75's sound under the mic for my stuff or how sizzly and kinda hollow the cab sounds in the room. I want to keep the cab, though, because the V30's sound fine...
  7. Rex Rocker

    Tube shootout: JJ 6V6S, Tung Sol 6L6GC-STR, and Tung Sol 5881 in my Krank Rev Jr.

    Ok… so I'm experimenting with tubes to warm my Krank Rev Jr. up. I settled for JJ ECC83S's in V1 and V2 and a JJ ECC803S for the PI, but I have not decided on a set of power tubes yet. The Krank is a cool amp to experiment with because it has a cathode-biased power section. The manual...
  8. Rex Rocker

    WTB: DiMarzio D-Activator bridge F-spaced

    Anyone? I'm in Mexico, but I don't think it's that big of a deal since it's just something small. Thanks. :)
  9. Rex Rocker

    Let's talk about V30-inspired speakers! WGS/Eminence/Weber/etc.

    I know there's a couple out there. I know of the Eminence Governor and V12, the WGS Veteran and Retro 30's, the Mojotone BV-30V, and the Weber 12V. Do you know of others? Could you please share your experience with these (particularly under the mic) if you've had any? Does anyone have...
  10. Rex Rocker

    EMG 57/66 or 89/89R for my Ibanez?

    So I have this Ibanez Prestige RGA121. It's an super super tight-sounding attack-y guitar. It's got a THICK maple cap that accounts for about 1/3 of the thickness of the body and it's got a maple neck. Right now I have the EMG Het Set in it, but I'm thinking it might be just a tad too...
  11. Rex Rocker

    What other speakers do you guys get good results with under the mic asides from V30's

    Just wondering what other speakers you guys like under the mic. I know V30's are a favorite around here, but do you guys like other speakers for high-gain? Which? Do you have examples? :)
  12. Rex Rocker

    Mixing three of the same speakers with another on a 4x12 cab?

    So I have this Marshall cab with T-75's that sounds pretty good in the room, but I'd love to have a V30 for recording... ... So I wonder if anyone's got a cab that he has 3 of a single kind of speakers in it, and then another, say a V30 that you mic up. Would that sound ok? I assume it'd just...
  13. Rex Rocker

    Which EMG single coil do you recommend for the middle position?

    Guitar is an Ibanez S (ZR trem, mahog body, bolt-on maple neck). It's go an 81 in the bridge (for now) and a 60 in the neck. I want the guitar to have a great clean tone in position 4 in combination with the 60. So... S? SA? SLV? Could you describe them if you have any experience with them...
  14. Rex Rocker

    Recommend me some pickups for my guitar.

    Just got an old Ibanez S470. It's pretty solid. I dig it. It sounds pretty dark and chunky. Right now I have an 81/60 combo in there, and it sounds nice, but I want to try something new. I want something that has a similar kinda vibe as the 81/60, but with more agression in the top-end and...
  15. Rex Rocker

    Questions about for EMG Het Set users.

    I'm thinking about dropping a set on my Ibanez RGA Prestige. I'm pretty happy with the 81/60 combo in there right now, but I wouldn't mind trying some other stuff out. They're not very cheap compared to other EMG's, though, so I'd like to know a few things before buying. I've watched Lasse's...
  16. Rex Rocker

    Does anyone happen to have the whole of Andy's speaker comparison saved?

    I googled, but I could only find a file containing the Marshall with T75 and the Recto with V30's. I'd like to hear the Krank and whatever else he compared. Does anyone happen to have all the files saved that can share or can point me into where I can find the original ones? Thank you. :)
  17. Rex Rocker

    Great-sounding productions were Celestion T-75's were used for guitars?

    I know about Nevermore's Dead Heart, but which other records do you recommend? I just grabbed a Marshall 1960, so I'm looking for inspiration, lol. Thank you.
  18. Rex Rocker

    Quick question for guys with EMG's and a Radial ProDI

    Do you guys find you need the pad engaged when running EMG's into the ProDI? Thanks. :grin:
  19. Rex Rocker

    EMG 81 vs 81TW

    *My mistake, on the thread title I actually meant 81X. I have the 81TW in another guitar, but this is the 81X vs 81 in the same guitar* So I recorded a short clip off a single riff. The riff is by the band Judgement (nwright's band) and the song is 21 Grams...
  20. Rex Rocker

    Marshall Mode Four

    So... I was wondering if you guys can give me some opinions on how it is? I found a good deal on one. I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger. Looks like an interesting amp. Can I at the very least expect some Valvestate-y sounds out of it? I mean, I'm not expecting a Dual Rectifier, but I...