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  1. Einherjar86

    The Cocktail Thread

    Well, my dissertation is being sent out this week, Friendsgiving has come and gone, and I'm enjoying Sunday evening with a cocktail. Over the past few years, I've experimented more with mixology. Not sure if anyone else here cares to adulterate their hard liquor with various flavors; but in...
  2. Einherjar86

    Weird Science

    So, I know there are a few threads dedicated to science, but they're all specifically for debating scientific issues, addressing scientific misconceptions, or addressing specific scientific questions. There isn't really a thread for science per se, or for new developments/discoveries in...
  3. Einherjar86

    The Abortion (that is this) Thread

    Complying with Zeph's wishes. I wasn't trying to insinuate that the majority of abortions were due to health complications. I'm merely suggesting that quality of life is something to consider, and if an unwanted pregnancy will seriously threaten the quality of life for the woman (before and...
  4. Einherjar86

    Metal Mysteries

    I don't really make threads anymore, but I didn't know where else to post this; Deron can move it if there's a better place. "Metal mysteries" might sound kind of dumb, but it's not as sensational as it sounds. All I mean is that I have questions about some bands that I can't find answers...
  5. Einherjar86

    Whiskey, Bourbon, Scotch

    I'm beginning to get into bourbon and wondered if we might set aside a little area where those of us interested in distilling and imbibing its craft (and hopefully those with more knowledge than me) can discuss and exchange information. I only recently realized I prefer bourbon over whiskey...
  6. Einherjar86

    Hungarian Black Metal

    As of late, I've been really impressed by the work of acts like Sear Bliss and Bornholm. I'm not sure if this sound permeates the Hungarian scene, but I'm interested to know if there are any other acts that are similar to these ones; or, for that matter, any other good Hungarian black metal...
  7. Einherjar86

    The Fields of the Nephilim

    I've never listened to Fields of the Nephilim at all, but I'm really interested in checking them out (especially because I do enjoy various gothic/ gothic folk artists). So please recommend your favorite albums, and feel free to discuss the group!
  8. Einherjar86

    The Evolution of Human Consciousness and the Idea of the Technological Singularity

    Many people are divided over the theories on artificial intelligence, but no one can deny the fact that technology is becoming increasingly complex and advanced at an exponential rate. The Law of Accelerating Returns, presented by Ray Kurzweil, hypothesizes that technology will continue to grow...
  9. Einherjar86

    Hecho en Fuego (for fans of Johnny Cash, 16 Horsepower, Rome)

    This is some excellent dark folk. The songwriter is from Buffalo and he recorded in a friend of mine's studio. Enjoy!
  10. Einherjar86

    Album covers or artwork that best convey the mood of the music

    This is a subject I've been interested in discussing for some time. Some of my favorite albums possess this unique quality, which I think is difficult to come by: albums that exhibit artwork or covers that really convey the mood of the music. Essentially, I mean that when you look at an...
  11. Einherjar86


    I really like some of the tracks I've heard on youtube, especially the ones from Berlin. I'm curious, who else here likes Rome, and which records are their best? Also, please post some of your favorite tunes and feel free to discuss.
  12. Einherjar86

    Favorite Primordial Album

    I'm a bit surprised this hasn't been done yet. Anyway, I'm interested in seeing what the consensus is. So, favorite Primordial album! Although it's a tough decision, I have to go with To the Nameless Dead. EDIT: I neglected to add their first demo; mine's included at the end of Imrama...
  13. Einherjar86

    Girlfriend/Roommate Issue

    I usually don't make posts like this, but I have a serious question that I would like to ask the majority here: My girlfriend was recently kicked out of her apartment (house, actually) by her roommate. A few weeks ago, they got into a fight, and my girlfriend said some things she probably...
  14. Einherjar86

    Spires That in the Sunset Rise

    I recently stumbled across this band and wanted to know more about them. They're described as Pyschedelic American Folk. I searched a few tracks on youtube and thought they sounded interesting. Does anyone have any good things to say about them, or any advice on which album is the best; or...
  15. Einherjar86


    Holy shit, I just discovered these guys after being recommended them by several people. They're grounded in 70s prog rock with folk influences, but don't start thinking Jethro Tull prog/folk. These guys are all acoustic, and completely insane (it sounds like). The music has a very pastoral...
  16. Einherjar86

    Welfarism vs. Libertarianism, Collectivism vs. Individualism

    In Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor chapter of The Brothers Karamazov, the character Ivan details a very intellectual and intricate opposition between the philosophies of welfarism (collectivism, essentially) and libertarianism. This is not libertarianism in its political sense, but in its more...
  17. Einherjar86


    I really want to try and get into this band. I've listened to some of their stuff on youtube and have been very impressed. I love the atmosphere of the music. I realize this thread may not flourish, but I started it so that I might get some opinions on this band, their best release(s), where...
  18. Einherjar86

    The Travel Thread

    This thread is for those who are going places, want to go places, or even if you have gone places and want to talk about it. Ask questions about where you're going, inquire as to what are some good sites to visit, etc. I, for starters, am leaving for Finland the day after Christmas. If...
  19. Einherjar86

    The Future of Poetry, and Its Status as "High" Art

    I tried to keep this introductory post as brief as possible. My apologies for rambling a bit. This debate could potentially get ugly and very messy, but I feel it's something that contemporary academia has to deal with. The audience of poetry has always been tied in with the university...
  20. Einherjar86

    Moral Issue of U.S. Involvement in Foreign Affairs

    In the debate last night Obama said something along the lines of "It would be morally wrong for this country to allow another Holocaust to happen." Now, I would never encourage another act of genocide such as that which took place in World War II. I don't condone any form of mass genocide...