The Travel Thread


Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
This thread is for those who are going places, want to go places, or even if you have gone places and want to talk about it. Ask questions about where you're going, inquire as to what are some good sites to visit, etc.

I, for starters, am leaving for Finland the day after Christmas. If there are any posters here from Finland, or people who have been there, who would like to offer some advice or suggestions as to what to take, where to visit, what to do, etc. please share them! I'm going with a friend who has cousins there, so we will be staying with them. They're about a half hour outside Helsinki. We already have a rough itinerary planned. After we fly in we're going to take a ferry over to Stockholm and stay for two days. When we get back we plan on relaxing for a day, having a traditional Finnish dinner (my friend's cousins' treat), and the next day head to Helsinki for a few days until I have to leave. We're actually seeing a concert as Nosturi on New Year's Eve (Moonsorrow is headlining). If anybody has some suggestions of things to do in the city, or places to visit (other than bars; we plan on doing lots of that) feel free to share! Swedish people speak up as well!

Thanks in advance.
Last year I went on a whirlwind tour of Europe, going through Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, France and Belgium. It was one of the best two weeks of my life.

I hope to go to Rome before I graduate college. Besides that, I would love to go to Greece and Norway.
I went to Europe just for the architecture. Some pics I took for proof.




Czech Republic
Anyone who owns Marduk's Plague Angel will recognize this cathedral from the booklet






When I was in like 3rd grade, my family (mom, step-dad, sister) moved to Hawaii. I went to school there for some or most of 3rd grade. My sister and I ran around and went to the beach, found coconuts and stuff. We also took some hikes to amazing places. My parents partied at the time, and my step-dad sold weed for a living. We have a picture of him in a weed field. The locals don't like howlies (white people) who live there. So I got picked on and whatnot. I was a toehead blond when I was younger and was white as snow. It was both a good and bad time.
I went to school in Hong Kong for the past 3 months (and will for the rest of the year). No pics though. Great city that was easy to get around. I had a lot of fun there. I came mainly to learn Chinese and just keep things interesting by going into a new environment.
to be honest i like here cuz the warm is not so cold. i hate the winter.

One of the reasons I like Hong Kong.
i've noticed this trend recently of 18-22 year old dicks announcing right left and centre that they're going traveling in the hope that people will shower them with admiration for going out there and like, experiencing life man, and ultimately these people come back with these condescending <i've been around the block a few times, i know the score man> smiles on their faces. now maybe i'm just a product of the technological age but i personally see no reason to spend a month in india when i can just sit around spending little to no money and zooming to some gorgeous spectral netherworld just by throwing on my favourite metal albums or watching my favourite movies or reading my favourite books. not that i don't like traveling every once in a while but jesus, it's started becoming an identity signifier for these tools. these are the same assholes who fight to ban coca cola from universities because they supposedly shot a few people in colombia, the same shit-eating gobshites who make sure everyone knows they hate bigotry even more than minorities do and rate crash 10 on IMDB for being socially relevant. usually women i might add, god i fucking hate women.

speaking of traveling, my dad and i need to decide where will be best for birdies and mothies in the summer 'cause that's all we particularly care about atm. i sort of wish the answer was scandinavia because i love scandinavia but i'm guessing it'll be somewhere hotter.
I think traveling is fun. But I'm not one of those faggots who goes places just to say they've gone many places.
Awesome pics Zeph. I spent some time in Cambridge a few years ago for a study abroad. I'll post some pics of that sometime soon, maybe tomorrow.

i've noticed this trend recently of 18-22 year old dicks announcing right left and centre that they're going traveling in the hope that people will shower them with admiration for going out there and like, experiencing life man, and ultimately these people come back with these condescending <i've been around the block a few times, i know the score man> smiles on their faces. now maybe i'm just a product of the technological age but i personally see no reason to spend a month in india when i can just sit around spending little to no money and zooming to some gorgeous spectral netherworld just by throwing on my favourite metal albums or watching my favourite movies or reading my favourite books.

Nice post :cool: Most of the time I feel the same way actually. I never like leaving my comfort zone, and I always feel like I can go any place I want to just by opening a book or turning on the television. But sometimes it's enlightening to leave your place of comfort.

Don't worry, I'm not looking for validation or admiration. I travel because I think that it helps me to look at the world from a more objective standpoint.

speaking of traveling, my dad and i need to decide where will be best for birdies and mothies in the summer 'cause that's all we particularly care about atm. i sort of wish the answer was scandinavia because i love scandinavia but i'm guessing it'll be somewhere hotter.

Well, Finland isn't technically Scandinavia, but I'll let you know how it is.
well, ive been to germany ( born there ) Czech, Netherlands, etc.

also ive been to Japan, and am going back again this february ( so is the plan )

I would love to go on a Asia journey and Africa
I've been to the following countries numerous times: Mexico, Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Greece, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain