Search results

  1. one man

    BOTS - awards etc.

    Well, I don't know if a new thread is needed, but I sure hope so. Album of the year @ MetalUnderground:
  2. one man

    Brotherhood of the snake - sales and charts

    Since it's been out for over a week, it's high time we started this thread. I'll try and keep an alphabetical order in this post and highlight the markets where they improved as compared to DROE. 1. AUSTRALIA - debut at #24. This is actually the very first time they charted down under, so...
  3. one man

    Who should co-headline a tour with Testament? Round 1 (part 1/2)

    I know I do post too many of these polls perhaps, but what the hell. Here's another one. The current tour with LoG and KE made me think of other possible tours that would prove advantageous for the band and/or satisfactory for the fans. I realize Thrash packages have become both popular...
  4. one man

    Who should co-headline a tour with Testament? Round 1 (part 2/2)

    I know I do post too many of these polls perhaps, but what the hell. Here's another one. The current tour with LoG and KE made me think of other possible tours that would prove advantageous for the band and/or satisfactory for the fans. I realize Thrash packages have become both popular...
  5. one man

    double post - please ignore

    double post, sorry (my Internet connection broke down)
  6. one man

    Who should co-headline a tour with Testament? Round 1 (part 1/2)

    double post - sorry. The original poll's here:
  7. one man


    I've just stumbled upon this interesting cover of Return to Serenity: Here's another decent one I've found: And here's an exotic one: I've been wondering if there are some professional covers, done by good bands. Of course, there's this: 1. FURY - Dog Faced Gods 2...
  8. one man

    New DVD

    Here's what Chuck wrote on twitter: Is that a good venue? I hope the house will be packed despite the late announcement and the fact that it's not on weekend. Hopefully they'll mix the setlist up a little bit too.
  9. one man

    Star Nayea

    I've finally found a video of Chuck and Star Nayea doing "Trail of Tears" at the Longest Walk 2 kick off concert back in 2008 that works. As you can see, the band behind them consists of: Greg Christian, Jon Allen, Glen Alvelais and Chuck's brother, Andy. I think it was thanks to that...
  10. one man

    Greg's side project

    In 2008 all of us wishing Greg Christian was writing more music were thrilled to hear that he had been working on a side project, called Trinity Fallen. Here's an interview (we all know there aren't many with Greg, unfortunately) where he mentions that (at approx. 13:45) and says 80% of the...
  11. one man

    Chuck's guest appearances

    I think it's safe to assume that most of us here are probably fans of Chuck's voice. Therefore, I thought it would be cool to gather here all of his performances (as a lead singer or doing just back up vocals) on other artists' songs. Here's what I recall. 1. [1989] MORDRED - Fool's Game. I...
  12. one man

    DROE awards, positions in yearly top album lists

    Since the end of the year is approaching various top lists, summaries etc. are popping up. The idea is to gather them here and see how well DROE is doing on the lists of best albums. 1. First we've got Guitar World, where it placed 17th on the top 50 list (the top 3 includes Van Halen, Rush and...
  13. one man

    Vote for Testament (Loudwire Music Awards)

    Testament has been nominated in several categories in the Loudwire Music Awards. You can vote for them online here:
  14. one man

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    Inspired by the F&J discussion in the "Next Testament CD" thread (I wouldn't have known they have a new album out, if I hadn't read it there) and the lack of time to keep up with what's happening in the Thrash metal world, I figured we could have a thread devoted to it here. It'd be nice to...
  15. one man

    (CORRECT) What songs should be added to the setlist (3/3)

    Ok, I've messed up a bit with the previous polls and couldn't figure out how to edit/delete them. Hopefully somebody will help me clean it up. This is the correct thread 3/3.
  16. one man

    double post - please delete

    please delete it - double post due to problems with connection.
  17. one man

    (CORRECT) What songs should be added to the setlist (2/3)

    This is the corrected part 2. Sorry for the mess with the previous polls.
  18. one man

    (CORRECT) What songs should be added to the setlist (1/3)

    We've had numerous discussions about how Testament's setlist is stagnant, and how they keep composing their setlist from a certain group of songs only (these being: over the wall, haunting, burnt offerings, alone in the dark, apocalyptic city - not that often off TL; eerie, new order, trial by...
  19. one man

    What songs should be added to the setlist (3/3)

    EDIT: please delete (I fucked up the poll)
  20. one man

    What songs should be added to the setlist (2/3)

    EDIT: please delete (messed up poll)