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  1. P

    Anybody wanna sing on my cover of "little know it all"?

    You gotta be fucking kidding me.
  2. P

    Power Metal and Thrash Metal

    Kiuas is a good band. It's like a mix of power, folk, and a touch of more extreme metal genres.
  3. P

    Which Theocracy album sounds the best? My thoughts on the loudness war, etc..

    Loud to a point. There needs to be enough compression to make it sound good, but hard limiting just to squish the audio in order to make it as loud as possible causes a very boring flat sound. In metal, you want the drums to punch you in the gut, and guitars to send shivers down your spine. That...
  4. P

    My thoughts on the new album

    I don't know who mastered it, but whoever it was did a terrible job. It's completely compressed and brickwalled and that doesn't help the poor production either. Great songs that I've heard so far, just very bad mixing/mastering. I haven't done any major listening for this album(hard to sit...
  5. P


    Alexander Keith Red and Dark are fucking fantastic.
  6. P

    Question about the new album mastering

    We are not the same person. It seems like he's another fanatic posting about mastering, which is fine because I hate the whole loudness war trend too. As for myself, unfortunately I don't get to post on forums as much as I'd like because I have other things in life to worry about. So no, I don't...
  7. P

    Favorite Thrash Album Of 1986?

    Peace Sells then Pleasure To Kill. I can't pick just one.
  8. P

    Favorite Thrash Album of 1985?

    RTL was released in '84. I'm going with Endless Pain followed by In The Sign Of Evil.
  9. P

    Iconoclast spoiler thread

    Fucking amazing album. And typical that the production is ruined by terrible mastering and this loudness war shit.
  10. P

    JUDAS PRIEST To Perform During Tonight's 'American Idol' Season Finale? May 25, 2011

    It's a fucking t.v show who cares? A kid with the right attitude and a good heart is performing with his favorite band is an amazing thing. Also the more exposure to JP the better. Honestly why does it matter what show it is.
  11. P

    Metal @ the workplace

    Headphones. Also I had a co-worker that would play metalcore but people complained so I told him turn off his shitty music and listen to something better.
  12. P

    Pink Floyd reissues.

    Yes way. A large, high-res scan of the album art is also >>> small physical album art that comes with the CD.
  13. P

    Pink Floyd reissues.

    24/96 files >>> physical CDs anyday.
  14. P

    Who downloads/who does'nt

    I download the album first. If it's affected by the loudness war, then I won't buy it even if the music is good. I try to support bands by going to live shows.
  15. P


    Excellent to hear! In light of the upcomming "dynamic range day," here's another great article that I encourage you to share with others:
  16. P


    Truls, would you be able to speak with the mixing/mastering engineers about leaving some headroom in the final mix and mastering please? I made a thread about the subject here: since I didn't want to keep posting...
  17. P

    Kill 'Em All - the most influential metal album of all time?

    Love Metallica's first two albums, but I tend to ignore everything about the band to keep my sanity.
  18. P

    New album mastering?

    Good point. I was mostly referring to peak dynamics however. A fast paced, heavy song can still have dynamics between the guitars and snare drum. In the case of Isolate, the compression took away all of the punch of the drums and in general, causes a massive amount of ear fatigue. I'll post an...
  19. P

    New album mastering?

    Keep in contact with the mixing and mastering engineers, and be sure to request dynamics in the mix. They actually love when clients request that because it's pretty rare these days. Thank you for your response :)
  20. P

    Genres are Useless

    I didn't know you actually liked "nu metal" lol. Awkward coincidence :goggly: