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  1. HeavyGabry

    Rude Awakening Records

    Hello everyone. This will be the official UM topic where I post news about my label (future releases and distro updates). Rude Awakening Records is a DIY record label focused exclusively on Metal reissues. There's no limit, generally speaking, I just don't like extremely modern stuff such as...
  2. HeavyGabry

    Next releases

    Why isn't there a thread about the next releases of this label? Maybe the owner doesn't visit anymore this forum? :confused: However... I've found particularly interesting two releases for 2013: Phlebotomized - Preach Eternal Gospels & Devoted to God (demo, ep, mini CD and 3 life tracks)...
  3. HeavyGabry

    Techno Death & Progressive Death bands

    So... maybe here some of you could also be interested in different stuff, a little more extreme? :D :flame: Many forgotten bands, who gave much and had almost nothing back... such as: P.S. "Skycontact" is very different from early releases...
  4. HeavyGabry

    Free (legal) music for download

    Internet has definitely given a way to download all the existing music we can imagine... but there are also artists (or labels) who decide to give for free albums, samplers and so on to the fans. I like listening to the music of these bands, big or small, it's a concrete approach to the problem...
  5. HeavyGabry

    Technical & Progressive Thrash Metal thread

    Matthew told that all of us can open new threads... so I was thinking about this one! :D We all know bands such as Watchtower, Toxik and Coroner... but what about less famous bands, who never came out of local underground or - more luckily - a continental scene? I'd like to start with a band...
  6. HeavyGabry

    Hello from Italy

    Hello everybody! :wave: My name's Gabriele and I'm a metalhead from Italy; I usually don't post in foreign forums, but this one is special: never seen one where you can talk directly to labels, it's obviously easier to get in touch here than on Facebook and other social networks for label...