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  1. AlexLunisolar

    Woods Of Ypres Win Juno Award

    I first saw that W5 won on Then I saw Rae tweet about it and I instantly felt like hugging someone (which is something I've hardly ever done). Unfortunately I don't know any WoY fans so I had to celebrate by myself. Here's to David! Torches high! \w/ \w/
  2. AlexLunisolar

    Introduction: Alex Lunisolar Fox

    Thank you for the welcome! It's nice to know there are other Woods of Ypres fans out there, even if I never meet them. —A\W/F
  3. AlexLunisolar

    Introduction: Alex Lunisolar Fox

    Greetings fellow torchbearers (Woods of Ypres forum)! My name is Alex Fox. I found Woods of Ypres shortly before David's passing. By the time I found this forum, he was already gone. My understanding is this forum might be gone soon. Anyway, I finally feel compelled to make a post here...