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  1. C

    Lie-berals think we conservatives are hypocrites

    And then there are these quotes from the KKKlinton administration: “Victory means exit strategy, and it’s important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is.” –Governor George W. Bush (R-TX) “You can support the troops but not the president.” –Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)...
  2. C

    Lie-berals think we conservatives are hypocrites

    Just because: -Ronald Reagan funded death squads in South America that killed tens of thousands, Al Qaeda in the mid 80s, and Saddam Hussein throughout the 80s while he gassed the Kurds, and also illegally sold WMDs to Iran. Now we view Reagan as a hero and lieberals as supporters of terror...
  3. C

    So, the UN is full of rapists

    You fucking commie traitor. I'm going to report you to Homeland Security. OUR SOLDIERS DO NOT RAPE PEOPLE. Only UN Peacekeepers do that, because they hate America and our freedoms. Like our resident genius Sue says, STOP GETTING YOUR INFO FROM NEWS SITES! All news agencies are communist...
  4. C

    WHOA!! a business in America insisting its employees speak English??

    We are all aware of the threat to America that is represented by foreigners who speak in their own languages. In fact this is one of the most important issues our country is facing. It's an absolute disgrace; I mean people come here thinking that America is some sort of cultural melting pot or...
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    Why do homosexuals and liberals hate freedom?

    What do we have here, a lesbian activist? Take your Out Magazine and go back to the clamlicker convention. America is for real men. No dykes allowed.
  6. C

    leftist scientists dictate boundaries of free speech...

    Of course global warming is a lie, everyone with common sense knows that. It's a massive global socialist conspiracy by scientists to undermine American business. We all know that by now. It makes perfect sense. Global warming, after all, is a communist idea that was invented by Karl Marx...
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    Hurray for jay leno..

    That is truly a great article by someone who obviously gets it. Of course, the snobbish, elitist, communist homo liberals will tell you that there are some negative things about America: -3,000 dead in Iraq -skyrocketing gas prices -nine trillon dollar deficit -increasing reliance on foreign...
  8. C

    Why do homosexuals and liberals hate freedom?

    Why are they so anti-American? And why do lie-berals stick up for them? Homosexuality is turning this once-great nation into a cesspool of immorality. I can't walk 5 feet down the street without getting fondled by some scantily-clad faggot in tight jeans. Homosexuals, though they only...
  9. C

    Immigration is the work of Satan

    Okay, I'm sorry that this video is from MSNBC (aka Massive Slutty Natural Born Communists) and not the freedom and truth-loving FoxNews, but Utah Republican Don Larsen hit the nail on the head: immigration is the work of Satan himself. He is attempting to destroy America via stealth invasion...
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    Nancy Pelosi, the botoxed wonder

    The difference between Rice talking to our enemies and Pelosi talking to our enemies is that Rice is a republican, and republicans are patriots, while Pelosi is a democrap, and all democraps are hippy traitors. Much like when the Ronald Reagan administration removed Iraq from the State...
  11. C

    Evil commie vampire liberals have taken over!

    Not hostility, it's just pity, Mr. T_bag. Please don't confuse the two. However, seeing as how you like being insulted for being the commie vampire negro you are, I'll follow it up by asking how often do you queef when your boyfriend is riding you? :Saint:
  12. C

    Evil commie vampire liberals have taken over!

    T_Man you take things too seriously. Must be because of your 2-incher. Don't worry, lots of latent homosexuals like yourself are packing Vienna mini-sausages down there. :rock: You're clearly just a liberal trying to make us good patriotic conservatives look like a bunch of maniacal retards...
  13. C

    Anyone bother votin today?

    I was proud to vote straight republican, no sarcastic pun intended.
  14. C

    Evil commie vampire liberals have taken over!

    This used to be a nation led by decent republican sex criminals, but now it's under the control of the Bolshevik Al Qaeda-loving left. They're going to take away all our guns and convert us all to Islam! They must be stopped before they destroy this country! Most disappointing was the...
  15. C

    This Jackass Here..

    Let's all get under the covers and sob together...except you, TMan. I don't want your flaming homosexuality anywhere near me. I can almost smell the lube on you. :)
  16. C

    Thank God the GOP has its priorities in order

    The Iraq war, illegal immigration, the economy, the climate, the war on terror....they all take a back seat to the epidemic that is FLAG BURNING. Every day millions of American flags are burned by liberal extremists. Studies show that 90% of all purchased American flags are burned within 24...
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    Coulter the Cruel

    Ann Coulter is God's chosen one. She is absolutely right about those widows, they REALLY enjoyed watching their husbands burn to death while Bush sat idly reading My Pet Goat. Why do these witches have to use 9/11 to bash our leader George W Christ? Do they actually blame his...
  18. C

    I changed my mind: Let's get outta Iraq

    I agree, those selfish and greedy Iraqis deserve nothing, despite being oppressed by a ruthless dictator who was backed by the US for a decade. Seriously, they don't deserve our help. Just because we gave Saddam the gas he used to kill thousands in the 80s does not mean we're responsible in...
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    Another instance of Gayness forced upon us

    I agree, hot lesbian women are disgusting, immoral, and evil and I can't stand how gayness is forced upon every American citizen every day. Seriously, gays are taking over. They're only 2% of the population but they're quickly destroying our way of life. You can't even walk down the street...
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    True American patriots

    What America needs is a rebirth of right wing authoritarian fascism, and these are just the people who will bring it. The leaders of BattleCry claim that their religion and values are under attack, but amid spectacular...