WHOA!! a business in America insisting its employees speak English??


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004

from JudicialWatch.com:

Government Agency Says the English Language Violates Hispanic Civil Rights
The U.S. government is suing a well-known Christian charity for discrimination because it required two Hispanic employees at its Massachusetts thrift store to speak English.

The Salvation Army has a policy requiring its thrift-store employees to speak English and it gave two clothes sorters at a Framingham store a year to learn some English. When the women—one from the Dominican Republic and the other from El Salvador—refused, the charity fired them.

Now the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the taxpayer-funded federal agency that enforces workplace discrimination laws, is suing the Salvation Army for violating the women’s civil rights by forcing them to stop speaking their native language.

In a lawsuit, recently filed in U.S. District Court in Boston, the federal government accuses the charity of unlawful employment practices that were done with malice and reckless indifference to the women’s federally protected rights. It also accuses the Salvation Army of inflicting emotional pain, loss of enjoyment of life, embarrassment and humiliation.

In other words, the Bush Administration is essentially saying that immigrants who must learn English to work in this country are being severely discriminated against. After all, the EEOC’s five commissioners and general counsel are all presidential appointments confirmed by the Senate.

This latest case appears to be a waste of American taxpayer dollars since federal courts have broadly upheld an employer's right to require employees to speak English on the job. In fact, a judge has in the past ruled that the Salvation Army’s English policy is perfectly legal. The 2003 ruling said that another of the charity’s Boson-area thrift stores was within its rights to fire a bilingual employee who refused to speak English when told do so by her boss.
We are all aware of the threat to America that is represented by foreigners who speak in their own languages. In fact this is one of the most important issues our country is facing. It's an absolute disgrace; I mean people come here thinking that America is some sort of cultural melting pot or something! FUCKING MORONS!

Just yesterday the Indian guy who runs my local gas station thanked me in his native dialect when I paid him, so I jumped over the counter and rammed his head into the register and yelled, "THIS IS AMERICA, ASSHOLE! AMERICANS HAVE ALWAYS SPOKEN ENGLISH!" Not including the Red Skin savages, they weren't real Americans.
We are all aware of the threat to America that is represented by foreigners who speak in their own languages. In fact this is one of the most important issues our country is facing. It's an absolute disgrace; I mean people come here thinking that America is some sort of cultural melting pot or something! FUCKING MORONS!

Just yesterday the Indian guy who runs my local gas station thanked me in his native dialect when I paid him, so I jumped over the counter and rammed his head into the register and yelled, "THIS IS AMERICA, ASSHOLE! AMERICANS HAVE ALWAYS SPOKEN ENGLISH!" Not including the Red Skin savages, they weren't real Americans.

I love it when people blantantly make shit up, you fucking troll. For the record, the Indians were here first you racist fuck.

Back on track, yes English is the primary language in this country, and any job where you'll be dealing with the public should require English.
I love it when people blantantly make shit up, you fucking troll. For the record, the Indians were here first you racist fuck.

Back on track, yes English is the primary language in this country, and any job where you'll be dealing with the public should require English.

um, dude... this guy is a troll and everything he's saying is sarcasm.
We are all aware of the threat to America that is represented by foreigners who speak in their own languages. In fact this is one of the most important issues our country is facing. It's an absolute disgrace; I mean people come here thinking that America is some sort of cultural melting pot or something! FUCKING MORONS!

Just yesterday the Indian guy who runs my local gas station thanked me in his native dialect when I paid him, so I jumped over the counter and rammed his head into the register and yelled, "THIS IS AMERICA, ASSHOLE! AMERICANS HAVE ALWAYS SPOKEN ENGLISH!" Not including the Red Skin savages, they weren't real Americans.

Those Red Skin savages all learned english, didn't they?
i do have a question:
when these ladies went to the EEOC to file their lawsuit and get their $$, did they file in English?
I don't know what the big fucking deal is. You live in an English-speaking country? Speak fuckin' English.

Same goes for any country you reside in that's not your own. Learn the language or get the fuck out.

I really hate the, "BUT ENGLISH IS THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE!" Yes, this is true. But that's mainly for business meetings, tourists, and air traffic control, you tool. If you live in a country for a long period of time, learn the local language and suck it up. No one gives a fuck about where you come from or your own customs if you're not there.