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  1. F

    what is the best nevermore album?

    I originally thought that the thread might be amusing. But I got dissapointed when I clicked on it—it was simply just old.
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    DEVIN TOWNSEND To Return This Summer With 'Ki' - Mar. 20, 2009

    I'm actually excited for it.
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    Your story is on the big screen.
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    Freddie Mac CEO found dead in his apartment

    Dude, everything you see is in the light of a 'shady deal' and believe that anything that has taken place in the financial markets after 2004 was fraud. In fact it wasn't. People actually believed rating agencies, risk spreading models and thus considered those credit derivatives a very good...
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    Freddie Mac CEO found dead in his apartment

    Dead Winter, you are such an idiot. How can you blame only ONE guy for ruining the economy?? He got a huge bonus? SO? It was a contract--his pay--and both sides ought to carry it out. If it was a shitty contract for the government because it might not have provided him the incentive to act in...
  6. F

    post your sexy pics here

    Max, shave it. If you want love, you shave it.
  7. F

    say something about ... yourself!

    When are they coming to Seattle again? That setlist is definitely epic.
  8. F

    Should I cut my hair?

    short, and also clean shaven!
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    Interested in a reality check? Click here.

    All The King's Men and The Cave by Robert Penn Warren. Delicious
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    Weigh yourself every day and post your weight here!

    five ten, 140 lb. I'm toned.
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    Why do I feel so inclined to impress you?

    and it is a pretty small one--nice italian boy it seems
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    Why do I feel so inclined to impress you?

    Honestly, because you have either an inferiority complex or a short-man's complex. Persuasion is a way of exercising your power over someone—their ideas, their ego, you name it. Thus, when you successfully convince someone of something, you feel like you are no longer inferior to them or...
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    Happy Birthday Laura

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    Another fine U.S. citzen

    For Chicken nuggety stuff, in terms of fast food, nothing beats Jack in the Box.
  15. F

    What's wrong with the Barack?

    The New Deal came too late and did not prevent deflation because deflation the GDP already dropped 25% before it was enacted. The New Deal caused some inflation and some poor growth, because it was poorly timed, not because it was spending.If the New Deal would have come two years earlier, shit...
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    What's wrong with the Barack?

    on spending, Lynn, you should really take a basic economics course. Spending now is not making us worse off, it prevent a depression. It is basic. Right now, the money supply is rapidly contracting as a result of distress in financial markets. When money dissapears from an economy, deflation may...
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    the Autograph Forum

    Man, my list is pretty sad: Necrophagist Gojira Steve Smyth (I also have guitar picks from all of them)
  18. F

    a tour in france....please.. when???

    Yes. And I agree with you David about pubic hair placement.