Another fine U.S. citzen

I do sometimes, when one of the menu items keeps calling me. Usually the damned nuggets or a Quarter Pounder. :(
Haha, people fearing food. There was a time you slaughtered it yourself and packed it in salt.
i have fond childhood memories of my mom picking us us from catholic school on friday and taking us to the mcdonalds down the street. i'd always get chicken mcnuggets with sweet & sour sauce and they were THE BEST THINGS EVER. fortunately, i never had any gristle incidents.

a few weeks ago, my severely-pregnant coworker was going to mcdonalds on her lunch break and offered to pick stuff up for people, so, on a whim, i asked her to get me the chicken mcnuggets with sweet & sour sauce. but i was totally hesitant while eating them, just hoping "damn... please just be white meat. no blood, no gristle, no bones, pleasepleaseplease"

same deal a few weeks before that when lindsay was going to mcdonalds and i asked her to get me a fish-filet since i'd been craving one hardcore the night before... then like 5 minutes after i ate it, i felt violently ill.