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    Neurothing On Melted Metal Web Radio!!!

    Why isn't vanishing celestial bodies on there? that was my favourite song from the album :P grats though guys, heading over now ;)
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    Two Favourite Albums

    I've never heard or even heard of those bands, but I think I know what you mean fajfer :)
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    New Material from Neurothing

    Heya, just wondering what the status is with new material guys.. whether you have more songs done and rehearsed, and if so, song names etc! I'm interested to see how you are doing :) Then again maybe this information is in that interview haha we'll see. By the way, who designed and built the...
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    Two Favourite Albums

    Fajfer I listed a non heavy album originally in my first post! :P Will visit that band's site ilomat :) EDIT: ilomat I downloaded all the songs on that band's website, waiting for them to finish and I'll let you know what I think.. :)
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    Two Favourite Albums

    I would if I could read and speak polish :P I cannot understand even how to register there :(
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    interview with Neurothing on

    I most certainly will :) Thankyou very much :D:D
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    Two Favourite Albums

    haha, trust me they are very talented :)
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    Two Favourite Albums

    ok, a few good songs from the wintersun self titled album are Starchild, Death and the Healing, Sadness and Hate, Winter Madness... theyre all good, but those are really good :) You can MAYBE find the album for download online somewhere (its very hard to find, or at least was when i looked.. :P)
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    interview with Neurothing on

    that would be awesome :) don't though if its too much trouble, was just wondering =)
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    interview with Neurothing on

    It's in polish, and I can't use the google translator for that page.. :(
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    Two Favourite Albums

    ilomat do you like wintersun? or necrophagist? epitaph and wintersun (the albums) are awesome albums :) might pop over to your metal portal in a sec
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    Two Favourite Albums

    hehe that's why i made sure i didn't say "top 2 favourites" because there is no way that I can decide :P I just picked three that I've been listening to alot lately and have really enjoyed. Mortal Sin's new album Absence of Faith is a good thrash effort, and Dred's and Deadnight's EPs are...
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    Two Favourite Albums

    Ok here's a good topic starter. List two of your favourite albums (that you own..), both artist and album name (and any other info you want). Doesn't have to be your top, but just two that you really enjoy listening to right now :) Here goes: 1. Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power 2. Currently...
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    Free "Vanishing Celestial Bodies" EP

    Make this a sticky topic mate, or an announcement (that way it will stay at the top of the page all the time so anyone can see it when they come to the forum and it doesn't get lost in the jungle of topics :))
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    Say Hello!!!

    Hey guys how are you? Love the EP, been watching your progress for the last few months now, hope that you guys get signed soon - keep working at it :) Uhh, an intro to myself.. I'm from Australia, I'm 17, play electric guitar (been playing for 5 years), metalhead, etc. Atm I'm looking for a...