2 Types Of Persons At Prog Power...

Zappa Appreciative

Didja Get Any Onya?
Jun 4, 2004
After reading various posts and reviews, I've concluded that there are two types of people attending Prog Power:

Those who love Pain Of Salvation and those who absolutely can't stand them. There is nothing in between.
freakchylde said:
I'd be an in-between person. Some stuff I like, some stuff I don't. I just didn't weigh in. ;)
Me too actually.

I was on the "I could give a fuck" list, not liking much since the 2nd disc.

I decided to check them out this year though and they were quite good and seemed to be really enjoying themselves and the set the fans picked.

This of course meant that heavier material was played, which suited me just fine. :headbang:

I'm in between as well. I have three of their CDs, but they don't get played all that often. I don't think their music comes across real well live. I thought it was especially tough for a band like them to follow a band like Brainstorm.

Just a bit too eccentric in their songwriting? Great to watch them on stage. Great musicians. But a little too experimental and too complex. Don't get me wrong... I do love really good prog stuff, but I still desire to feel the good ol's rock-n-roll structure in a song. You still find the rockin, groovin, familiar structure of a song that holds it all together. With POS, I get lost in the songs. One Hour By The Concrete Lake had creative-as-hell stuff on it, but it didn't hold me. The Perfect Element was okay, but Concrete Lake still seemed to catch me better. I just can't stick with their stuff.
I simply love the band! I find their music to be interesting and intense without having to be fast or heavy. I'm awed by their skill as musicians and their live show is something to watch while sitting down and absorbing all that is going on. To me, they are one of the most innovative and creative bands I've heard in eons. I guess it's just one of those "are you a fan of Prog or not" things... though after saying that, I'm sure there will be someone who says they are a prog fan but hates the band ;)

Tammy Z
Zappa Appreciative said:
After reading various posts and reviews, I've concluded that there are two types of people attending Prog Power:

Those who love Pain Of Salvation and those who absolutely can't stand them. There is nothing in between.

Okay, so.........which are you?
don't get me wrong, I like some power metal(usually the heavier style like tad morose and brainstorm) but I was glad to see a very talented band like Pain of Salvation. There is only so much cheese one can handle and they offset alot of the kalmah/edguy music well.

I love the musicianship,and the feelings that come from Pain of salvation's music.

the thing is, I can enjoy most of both the power and prog aspects of progpower fest where alot of people love one side and detest the other.
I like a few songs, but for the most part, the music bores me. I'm more a fan of aggressive melodic metal (ie. Tad Morose, Brainstorm, Persuader, etc.). I did enjoy thier set, as they played the songs that I -did- like most. However, it didn't make me rush out and buy their CDs (though I did pick up Be for my boyfriend who unfortunately couldn't be there).
Well, they are one of those bands I haven't bought anything from. I've heard tons of good stuff about them but just didn't get anything. I bought at least one CD by every band this year except them. I think I would dig them if I got a chance to sit down and listen to them really good. They just seem like a hard band to get into live without knowing the songs. Unlike Brainstorm and Tad Morose, after they played everybody was rushing to buy all the CDs they could find. Anyway, I don't hate them but I can't say I love them either. I will have to buy a couple CDs after I complete my Brainstorm and Tad Morose collection ;) !
I'm certainly not a 'tweener'... I despise PoS... in fact, I think the initials of their band (an abbreviation for another term) describes them very well.

I mean absolutely no insult to their fans; as we all know "to each their own", but I think PoS is just about the worst band I've ever seen live, and I (for some reason) feel very strongly about this.

Now, maybe we could talk about something less devisive - like the election!!! :)
