200$ extra cash to spend oriented for live sound. PLEASE help me decide what to buy!


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US
I'm stuck on buying so many different things right now, and I only have 200$ so I have to choose only a few, or one option. At this very second it'd be good for you guys to know exactly what I have.. Keep in mind throughout all this that I am going for uber live tone, and I'm semi-happy (XXX has some FUCKING BALLLLLLS OF STEEL) with the tone I have now, but I just want to expand mah gears a bit.

As of right now, I have exactly these;

Schecter C-1 Elite (amber, flamed maple top, gold hardware/pickups which are duncan designed)

Peavey XXX 120w head

Peavey 5150 4x12 slant cab w/shef 1200's (never had ANY troubles with this thing 'farting' or whatever the fuck people call it. It sounds great!)

Boss NS-1

Now, some things I was thinking about getting were

Blackouts alone (180$)

A bunch of cables and a TS7 and picks and miscallaneous accessory shit (150$)

MXR 10 band KFK EQ + TS7 or SD-1 + cables (20$ worth) (200-210$

Schecter Molded Diamond Series Hardshell Case + TS7 or SD-1 + cables (60$ worth) (200$)

I was just wondering what you guys were thinking I should get as far as your own opinions and regarding to mine, either or.. Keep in mind I'm just looking for crushing live sound for what I have as far as my amp/cab, so I'll probably look into a Sonic Maximizer and misc pedals that you guys say I should look at.

If you read all that and are willing to help me, MAJOR

MAJOR props in advance


Actually, now that I think of it, when cash is tight a hardcase kinda seems unnecessary unless you can find one for like under $80 - otherwise, I'd drop $40-$50 on a good gig bag with lots of padding, lighter and way easier while still providing plenty of protection! (provided you're not retarded :D)
Actually, now that I think of it, when cash is tight a hardcase kinda seems unnecessary unless you can find one for like under $80 - otherwise, I'd drop $40-$50 on a good gig bag with lots of padding, lighter and way easier while still providing plenty of protection! (provided you're not retarded :D)

Do you gig often? Hard cases are essential if you play shows...
Not recently, but when I was gigging semi-regularly (small places in my college town though), a gig bag was still fine!
I suppose for some applications it would be, but whenever I was gigging, we'd cram all of our gear into my Ford Explorer, and the rest of the band members would ride in another car. If we had gig bags, the instruments would have been ruined, but the cases allowed us to stack them and save a lot of space.
I suppose for some applications it would be, but whenever I was gigging, we'd cram all of our gear into my Ford Explorer, and the rest of the band members would ride in another car. If we had gig bags, the instruments would have been ruined, but the cases allowed us to stack them and save a lot of space.

Yup, that's why I'd always put the gig bag in last on top of the gear mountain :D (or between my legs in the seat if things got really tight)
Yup, that's why I'd always put the gig bag in last on top of the gear mountain :D (or between my legs in the seat if things got really tight)

Damn, never had to get that close and personal with the gear :D Every band I've been in has had a big drum set, keys, two guitar stacks, bass stack... I kind of want to start a guitar/bass/drums brutal death metal band, really lean and cut down, no frills... That'd be real easy to get to/from gigs :D
I'd say... go for a cheapo hardcase (like really really cheap) cause u r gonna wonder why u spend moneys on something that you'll scratch in no time.
Then a TS7 for sure and a bridge pickup.The duncan designed on the Schecter is quite good for the neck, but the bridge gives way too much Gibsonish sound(which i personaly dislike for metal).
+ 1 to - Schecter Molded Diamond Series Hardshell Case + TS7 or SD-1 + cables (60$ worth) (200$)

Gotta have a hard case if you're gonna play gigs regularly.
Good ( aka Reliable ) cables are a MUST.
TS7/SD1, just nice to have on hand for that something extra.

+100 on shoving the BBE up a gay Rhinos' hemorrhoid infested anus. I've heard dozens of guys use those live and not a single one of them sounded good. Maybe it's coincidence....