2007 nabbers.


Oct 9, 2006
Seriously...What the fuck...I just don't get it. At least us 2006 noobs have some god damn sense. Whereas it seems 75% of the people who have joined in 2007 are just plain morons, creating endless fail threads and destroying CoB on topic with their fanboi gibbering :erk: :erk: Learn some sense plzkthxbai

Seriously...What the fuck...I just don't get it. At least us 2006 noobs have some god damn sense. Whereas it seems 75% of the people who have joined in 2007 are just plain morons, creating endless fail threads and destroying CoB on topic with their fanboi gibbering :erk: :erk: Learn some sense plzkthxbai

I LOL'd @ the pic
thats stereotyping!
Not really, not if it's a fact.
It seems to be true though.
Mitch knows all! :worship: If he agree then it is FUCKING TRUE!
some examples ?

Are you fucking kidding?
so this seems to include:

-foxy lady, who hasnt done anything dumb yet
-the german invasion who hasnt done anything yet
-the n00bs who post one thing asking a semi-serious thing and then leave

therefore no it is indeed not everyone.
yea wtf, good thing i joined when i did. to bad it was only to discuss the concert and not to make friends like a nerd but o well things happen for a reason.
Söy;6261901 said:
so this seems to include:

-foxy lady, who hasnt done anything dumb yet
-the german invasion who hasnt done anything yet
-the n00bs who post one thing asking a semi-serious thing and then leave

therefore no it is indeed not everyone.
Dude, there are those people like flyingvguy, bleeding me, danthe, etc, etc, that are filling this place up with threads and generally being annoying.

I fucking agree.. But ye im prolly as annoying as the 2007'ers, AT LEAST IM FROM 2006!!!!
The best people are from 2006... and a few 2005'ers.

I hope I belong to those 25% joined in 2007 :)

I like you! You've done many positive things so don't worry!
Dude, there are those people like flyingvguy, bleeding me, danthe, etc, etc, that are filling this place up with threads and generally being annoying.

The best people are from 2006... and a few 2005'ers.

I like you! You've done many positive things so don't worry!

fuck you! which stupid threads did i make, cunt-boy? ha? which ones?
It's especially true of me. My "omgz alexhi is teh kewlist geetur master nd no1z bettir no way lmfao!!!!1111!11" complex only serves to accentuate such a painfully accurate fact.

As such, I have taken hint of and duly noted your point, Swabs, and thusly shall proceed in the activity of disappearing and wrist-slicing.

kthxbi roflmao

