2016 Wishlist

Virgin Steele (Bring em back, they deserve a good sounding mix and they will have a new album out at the end of the year)
Eternal Champion
Satan's Host or Titan Force or Jag Panzer (I'll take anything with the Tyrant please)
Tygers of Pan Tang
Heathen's Rage
Pagan Altar
Hammeron (for the Chicago reunion band)
I'd be all for Militia and Colossus. While I like studio Warlord, from what I've heard about them live, I don't have much interest...not to mention screwing the fest this past year.

Masters of Disguise
Grave Digger (long shot I know)

I'll have to think a bit for others. Of course, I still wish Jeff and Gatekeeper would play some year, but I know it's a complicated situation there.
Virgin Steele (Bring em back, they deserve a good sounding mix and they will have a new album out at the end of the year)
Eternal Champion
Satan's Host or Titan Force or Jag Panzer (I'll take anything with the Tyrant please)
Tygers of Pan Tang
Heathen's Rage
Pagan Altar
Hammeron (for the Chicago reunion band)

It's a lost cause with Virgin Steele. From what I've heard from people who have seen them in other venues, their sound is always horrid.

Tygers would be fantastic. As would Pagan Altar; however, since not all attendees are doom fans, I wonder if the price of admission would be worth it for the fest.

Certainly Hammeron.
Cyclone Temple
Colossus (NC)

Eternal Champion
Heathen's Rage
Hammeron (for the Chicago reunion band)

As would Pagan Altar; however, since not all attendees are doom fans, I wonder if the price of admission would be worth it for the fest.
I am not a doom fan at all but seeing Pagan Altar would rock my world.

Sumerlands - best demo of 2014 and a full length out soon.
Borrowed Time reunion

I could list loads of European bands I'd love to see at the fest, but I realize that would be mostly futile (of course, I did get my wish of seeing Ostrogoth this year). However, if there is one band I would really love it would be Scanner.

Now, sticking with active North American bands not already mentioned, here is my wish list:

Medieval Steel
Lizzy Borden
Heir Apparent
Mystic Force
Hmmm... Names off the top of my head:

Jag Panzer (probably a stretch since they barely play anymore)
Armored Saint (they always seem to skip the midwest and just play the coasts)
Grand Magus (overseas; probably a stretch)
Metal Church (Mike Howe? YES PLZ)
Lethal (these guys were great at Powerfest 2007)
Solitude Aeturnus (sadly they don't seem to play live anymore at all -- will have to see how good Rob Lowe's new project is, and I don't see John Perez active in anything lately)

Wouldn't mind seeing Orodruin or Argus again, either. I also need to see Dio Disciples one of these days... Not sure people's feelings on a band like that for the fest, though. I agree with Simon though, Grave Digger could be really cool.
Kai Hansen & Stormwarrior - Walls of Jericho set (now that Pat's suggested it, I won't be able to forget about it)
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill 30th anniversary set

Chicago reunion: Zoetrope
Kai Hansen & Stormwarrior - Walls of Jericho set (now that Pat's suggested it, I won't be able to forget about it)
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill 30th anniversary set

Either of these would cost a fortune, especially making Kreator do an exclusive set.
If the schedule works out...


Exciter: Only chatted with John Ricci outside the pool hall where Anvil was playing. Thought I went to high school with the guy because he was familiar :lol:


Blaze Bayley


Razor: Shotgun Justice set
interesting list...some of these bands are on the list for next year....some will never ever happen.

There are some cool ones for next year if odin can pull them off.

myself...I would love to see....

Tygers of Pan Tang

A lot can happen over a few months with who and what is booked....will be great though...keep on dropping suggestions...some we didn't think of that are now added to the list.
Stuff like Doomsword will never happen sadly...just too expensive. If he is going to drop money on a Euro act it will be something bigger.

While Odin would kill to get Stormwarrior with Kai Hansen....that would break the budget I bet.

Solstice would be huge I think.