6-6-06 national beat down emo day?


Zerg Rush into Mordor
May 5, 2006
why would you waste a perfectly good day tp find emo kids? if you come across one thats great, but why are people wasteing their day looking for them?
i dont... the Viking do all the work

they are aways crying
what does being emo have to do with a day that seems to coorespond to satan? emo's like to hurt themselves yeah but that doesnt mean theyre satanic.
Satan = evil

Beat down EMos = evil


why your sword wasn't cover in blood as result to that meeting?
FallingDownInRuins said:
why your sword wasn't cover in blood as result to that meeting?
i was laughing to hard to do anything. they said "if you hit a kid like this (meaning an emo kid) on 6-6-06 then you will be hit back 7-7-06."

then i laughed and asked him what 776 means and he walked away. so watch out! the emos will rise!

lol...that will sends fear into the hearts of millions!!! :lol:
~blondie~ said:
i was laughing to hard to do anything. they said "if you hit a kid like this (meaning an emo kid) on 6-6-06 then you will be hit back 7-7-06."

then i laughed and asked him what 776 means and he walked away. so watch out! the emos will rise!

lol...that will sends fear into the hearts of millions!!! :lol:

Pff....take away their allowance...they will off themselves....problem solved.

Rock Hydra said:
Pff....take away their allowance...they will off themselves....problem solved.


agreed, if they can't buy eye liner they are fucked...

I have only witnessed one good emo beatdown.

The emo kid was yelling at the a metalhead and was like "oh wow you got big balls." So the metalhead whiped out his balls and beat the shit out of the emo...

twas gr1m...
War_Blade said:
agreed, if they can't buy eye liner they are fucked...

I have only witnessed one good emo beatdown.

The emo kid was yelling at the a metalhead and was like "oh wow you got big balls." So the metalhead whiped out his balls and beat the shit out of the emo...

twas gr1m...