A Greetings and a Thank You


Dec 23, 2005
Cologne, Germany
Good Evening Mr Sneap, Mr Murphy, Gentlemen.

I've been a lurker on this board for quite some time now but have only just summoned up the courage to finaly register. I'm and Australian living in Germany and of the "Shut up unless you have something useful to contribute". Up until now I haven't created anything really "Presentable" (a dozen half finished songs, a couple of riffs here and there, you all know the deal). This just recently chanded as I have just finished recording a two song demo for my band Deus.exe for a competition.

The aforementioned songs can be found here: (any critque will be most welcome)

Without this board this demo would not have been possible. For that Andy, James and my fellow board members I am foreve in your debt. All the knowledge floeating around on this board has given my invaluable tips and insights in to recording Metal music.

Thank you


P.S. James: Your solo on Obituary's "Body Bag" is one of the best solos ever!!!
Thanks guys for your input. This was my first effort recording "serious" music and your critique is most appreciated :) .

Oznimbus: We do have a drummer but for the recording we had to use DFH. On the day that the drums were to be tracked our drummer fell ill and had really fukked up diarrhoea so he couldn't really concentrate (maybe we should have setup the drums in the toilet? hehe). After he recovered we sat down and programmed the drums together. So that is what our drummer plays in "real life" (when he's not having diarrhoea that is).

Genius Gone Insane: Note taken. I put so much reverb on the vox because this was also my first attempt at really singing (not growling or screaming) and I'm rather self concious about it. On the song "Wake State" I had to put a bit of melodyne magic on a few bum notes here and there because it was the first song we tracked and I didn't sufficiently warm up beforehand. The other song has no auto tuner.

Again, thanks guys!