A question about boosting the signal


New Metal Member
Sep 13, 2007
Hey guys I’m really new to this, and I sure this is going to seem like a stupid question, but I’ve been reading the “Please explain frequencies to me thread” I understand most of the stuff that is talked about in the thread, but there is one section that CHADSXE said that I did not understand. When he is talking about boosting the signal in section 16, what is he boosting the signal with. If some one could help me with this, that would be great thanks so much, and sorry if the question seems stupid

Original posted by chadsxe

15.) Now it's time to EQ for *SEPERATION*. Listen to the mix and figure out what elements are fighting for space in the low freqs, low-mids, midrange and high frequencies. Choose the one that you want to be more dominant in that frequency band--now go back and slightly cut that track in that band, while (sometimes) applying a slight boost (we're talking 1-2db's) to the dominant track. Keep doing this until you've gotten them all. Re-listen to the track.

16.) Now you want to integrate some of the elements so they work together more. An example is bass and kick drum. But how do you integrate AND separate these sounds? Easy--give them boosts that are close on the lower end of the spectrum on or near the same frequency (for example: kick drum at 80hz with a boost, bass synth at 100hz with a boost); next move up into the midrange and boost one element someplace and the other one someplace else (such as boosting kick at 4khz and bass synth at 2khz). Play around with these techniques until you have things really cooking.