A question for matt


New Metal Member
Aug 24, 2005
Hi matt. I just one to congratulate you for one of the best albums in the history of metal, i can just belive you did it all but yourself, is too much for a band, now for just one guy is amazing.

Now since you seem to be friend of tobias sammet i was wondering what are the chances of having him singing in the new theocracy album? That would be amazing. And another question where is the new album coming we are eager. Make more songs like the healing hand and the serpent kiss. MASTERPIECES. Thanks, good look with the new album you really desearve it.
Yeah I spent most of the weekend on Edguy's bus actually...

I don't know, maybe someday. We're more acquaintances than close friends, so I wouldn't be comfortable asking for something like that at this point. Besides, if I were going to hit him up for a favor, it would be to give me a songwriting tip or two! :)

As for the new album, your epic itch should be scratched quite nicely, so don't worry. ;)

I've always wondered why you are such a huge Edguy fan when their music is very anti-religious. Now don't get me wrong -- I'm a religious man also and I have every one of Edguy's albums, but it just seems to me very interesting that you like them so much when "Theatre of Salvation" is probably the most humanistic album I've ever heard (even though it's brilliant in it's own way).

Your comments please?
Hmm...I'm pretty anti-religion myself, actually. Christianity and religion are two vastly different things.
As for Edguy, they have songs I don't care to listen to, but I don't find the band anti-religious. Tobi's said the same thing. There's a lot of questioning of the "system" and the church establishment, but that doesn't bother me...in fact it's natural. If it's something that goes deeper and bothers me, then like anything I just won't play that song. *shrug*

I just think they're nice guys, amazing songwriters and an unbeatable live band. I certainly don't agree with them on everything (and the same can be said for every other band...if I did, I wouldn't have started my own band) ;)

This was all recently discussed in a different thread...
Matt Smith said:
Hmm...I'm pretty anti-religion myself, actually. Christianity and religion are two vastly different things.

Thank You!!!! I've only said that about 3 different times here and there in this forum :Spin: I get really anal about those 2 words being used in the same context.