A Scottish post metal fellow


New Metal Member
Feb 22, 2011
Alright guys! I'm Ash from Scotland. I'm one of these music guys that goes for a band if they've got something special, something that makes them tic more than the rest. aka, if it sounds like 'every other band' it's harder to keep me interested.

I also play guitar in a band. We've just released a song off our debut EP, mixed and mastered by Jonny Renshaw of Devil Sold His Soul. Renshaw was perfect knowing exactly how to capture the ambient aspect of our music as well as the heavier more metal side. A lot of me being on this forum is to find out about more production techniques. Despite Jonny mixing and mastering everything, we recorded all the parts at mine!

If anyone is keen to give something new a listen, have a bash and see what you think!
