a small speaker/guitar amp that would play loudly in a hockey rink??

Dec 3, 2008
hey all! I made a thread over in the band recommendations forum looking for a couple of good songs for a mixed cd that my ice hockey team would play over the loudspeakers throughout our home games, the first of which was last night. Unfortunately, I couldn't play the mixed CD, because we needed to bring our own disc-jockey dude, as well as a speaker or something to blast it on.

With that being said, we've got the guy to do it. I've got 60-75 dollars to spend out of my own pocket money. In my area there's a local Guitar Center and local Sam Ash. Who here knows of a good speaker OR guitar amp for around that price range, or better yet, even under it, that could still blast relatively loudly over a hockey rink? Both the Sam Ash and Guitar Center are a good 20 minutes away, and my mom is pretty tired right now, so i don't want her to have to drive me all the way over to either of those places without having a general idea of what i want, especially if i ended up not finding anything.

Also, just so you guys know, I honestly know nothing about speakers and guitar amps, especially the latter because I play drums, but haven't been anywhere near any musical instrument in about five years. So, anybody here wanna help me out?? Thanks!!
The speaker doesn't have an amplifier. You'd need to buy a separate amplifier in order to power it.

My advice: Give up. Even for around $100, the best you could do would be a boombox of some sort, which probably wouldn't be audible to most of the people in the rink due to reverb and audience noise. You'd need a pretty high powered system to do what you want.

Why couldn't you use the PA in the rink?
because the rink is a bunch of cheap bastards who won't let you use their PA.."it's only for the announcer"!!


So there's really no way in hell that i can do it??

What about a guitar amp? Would that work?

I've got a laptop that i could use as the CD player, but i'm a little hesitant about using it, because it's an expensive, $2000 macbook pro that my mom worked her butt of to get me for $200.

If we found a guitar amp for my price range that would work kinda well, and i've got a dvd player that we can bring in, would that work? And if not, what kind of cable would i be looking at to hook it up to my ipod, and how expensive is the cable we're talking about??

thanks, it's been much appreciated.
The cable is probably going to run you about $5 at radio shack to plug your ipod into a guitar amp. But for $100 you simply won't be able to afford anything that will project sound over the entire rink. It'll be audible, but it'll be a faint hissing noise since you'll be pushing the amp to its limit. Most people wouldn't distinguish it from audience noise.
well just to clear things up a bit--each team usually has a fanbase present of a range of 25-50 people. Not that many people, and it's usually a whole lot less than that, so i really don't think that audience noise is going to interfere. However, the acoustics of the actual rink, and the fact that it is a pretty big rink might do the job, haha.

Maybe I'll call up the local guitar center and see what they think...but thanks for the help anyways, haha!
Matt is 100% correct. A hockey ring is going to soak the sound up and have horrible acoustics. I dont even think a $700 100w half stack would get the job done with much satisfaction. I'm not sure there is even such a thing as a $75 guitar amp, maybe some 12w practice amp with a 6" speaker, which are totally painful to listen to even used for its purpose in a bedroom.
ehhh alright thanks.

I was playing a game the other day and realized that the rink has a GORGEOUS set of surround sound speakers hidden in all of the corners of the rink, each speaker is FREAKING HUGE, and then there is a ring of 5 or 6 speakers hanging from the ceiling directly above center ice. Unfortunately, at least based on my knowledge, the rink STILL only uses it for the PA announcer, which is absolute complete bullshit, because our PA announcer usually falls asleep during the games--no fucking joke. Damn i'm pissed, lmfao.