
Land Of Grey And Pink

Remember The Future
Apr 27, 2004
After a request from, "abcdefg" has been banned, and all his post's therein have been moved to UM's general asshole forum (a link has been placed at the top of this forum for your convenience).

Please note, this forum is for Opeth discussion only. Repeated reminding of the obvious but necessarily overlooked rules, flame wars, personal attacks, and other disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated - anyone wishing to push these limits by posting these rules in any thread may well find their account suspended without notice as such as the ass hat "abcdefg"

This forum is provided (and paid for) by Opeth for discussion about the band's music and performances. Please refrain from using it for anything else, especially annoying people...this means YOU abcdefg
abcdefg said:

I was the one reported, and I think my message was deleted. I was making reference to the old signature by him, with the butt machine boy, basically a man being screwed the whole time... I hope I don't get censured now.
you mean I missed my lover boy (that would be ggggggu by the way. the 5th 'g' is still my favourite) getting the boot? :(

Mark said:
After a request from, the off-topic forum has been closed, and all threads therein have been moved to UM's general chat forum (a link has been placed at the top of this forum for your convenience).

Please note, this forum is for Opeth discussion only. Flame wars, personal attacks, and other disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated - anyone wishing to push these limits may well find their account suspended without notice.

This forum is provided (and paid for) by Opeth for discussion about the band's music and performances. Please refrain from using it for anything else.