Acoustic video and thoughts of the future


Tai Mai Shu
Mar 29, 2002
Stull, KS
This is to JM.

Hey! I just wanna say thanks for answering alot of questions everyone has had and I think I speak for all of us in saying we appreciate it ALOT. I hope everything is going great for you and that you're feeling good. I was wondering about something I asked you a few years ago in a email about a instructional video that I'd like to see you do. You replied back saying you were probably in the future thinking about doing a video with an acoustic performance. Did that ever happen and if not will you please consider such a thing in the far far future?

Secondly I have always thought you were extremely universal by playing thrashing death metal and then busting out into a clean beautiful chorus. You're clean channel playing is just amazing. Alot of spirit into it all but I always thought if you ever do a completely different project then what you have done. A straight clean melodic song or two would be something to hear let alone a whole CD. Kinda like the middle to your song "Vision" or the cover you did of "Odyssey". I'm only saying this cause I know alot of musicians tend to not stray to far from their origins since it might piss off fans who can't see past a certain way of doing things. I hope for some more death metal of course, but if your health is never up for such speed, then I don't think anyone would mind to hear something different from your playing style. Hell. a fricken ambient kinda thing would be bad ass I bet. Anyways thats just a thought I wanted to share and I know this is the least of your worries with what youve been through but don't ever be afraid of what negative comments people may say about the music you want to do, the true listeners will enjoy it, I'm sure. Whatever it may be...

sorry for making the post so long.