Actual chat room?


Active Member
Jul 31, 2002
Is there, by some chance, a chat room where many of the users of this forum go to? If not, perhaps someone should register one on something like IRC? The forum works, but for me, it's kind of odd posting messages and such just for a regular conversation.
There is an IRC channel, and the DC++ chat is kinda cool... plus all the cool music there... But it's not working right now. :(

I wish there were a Javachat link on the main page though. :p

MARK!!!! GET TO WORK!!! :p :lol:
Hmm.. I'm casting my vote for a chatroom that does not require downloading a program to run. I'm using a public terminal which disallows downloading and installing new programs :rolleyes: Certainly there are others with this issue as well..

This is a good point, but so long as your school keep stheir computers up to date with Internet Explorer, a java based chat should be just the thing, right?
Originally posted by Wandrail
This is a good point, but so long as your school keep stheir computers up to date with Internet Explorer, a java based chat should be just the thing, right?

I forgot, most of those do require a download all the same =O
But that's an automatic Java download, not something you actually have to initiate...

HTML chat would work, but that takes up a lot of bandwidth...
Well I have a great idea for a chat room. Has anybody else ever heard of or Habbo Hotel? Well is better. It's more or less a flash chat room where you can walk around and stuff. You can even mix your own music. Well it's mostly made up of kids my age, but I think it's a cool twist to live chatrooms. At the place, you can earn decibles (currency) to buy furniture and stuff. I or somebody could make an official UM room and we could all pitch in to make it sweet. The only problem would be if you usually use a public computer, because you have to d/l the latest flash player. That takes about 5 minutes to do. If anybody's interested, just sign up there and find me. My name's Moonshield13. If nobody likes the idea...then...ummm...I'll cry :(
I figure with as many people that visit this site on a daily basis, you'd have to allocate a server just specifically for chat purposes. I know the 56K users ( like myself) would have a hard time...
THEN LET'S MAKE A ROOM SOMETIME!!!!!! I k now it's hard with a lot of us living in different time zones and everything though. :(