AdamWathan's Reaper Customizations for Pro Tools Users

Thanks for the sweet theme. I think it is the first one that I like that don´t fuck on some point, like the docker tabs or mixer´s plugin slots.

Not sure if it is tutorial worth, but which is the best method for tracking on lower speeds? I mean, when the guy is having trouble in nailing a fast solo and want to record it on a lower bpm (cheater!). Tweak the playback rate slider messes with the tunning.
Not sure if it is tutorial worth, but which is the best method for tracking on lower speeds? I mean, when the guy is having trouble in nailing a fast solo and want to record it on a lower bpm (cheater!). Tweak the playback rate slider messes with the tunning.

Right-click on the slider -> "Preserve pitch in audio items when changing master playrate".
Thanks for the sweet theme. I think it is the first one that I like that don´t fuck on some point, like the docker tabs or mixer´s plugin slots.

Not sure if it is tutorial worth, but which is the best method for tracking on lower speeds? I mean, when the guy is having trouble in nailing a fast solo and want to record it on a lower bpm (cheater!). Tweak the playback rate slider messes with the tunning.

Track it slower, then just slip edit it to the faster grid.

Quick example there, just go through the whole thing cut slip cut slip cut slip etc etc etc. It sucks but that's how you do it in any program. Timestretching guitars is only good for making miniscule adjustments, no good for playing something at like 75% speed and speeding it up to full.

I just solo the guitar player with no click track, get him to play it however slow he needs to so that he can play it properly, then go back and slip edit the whole thing to the spots they are supposed to be in.

I've set your macro for "PT quick punch" to be NumPad 3, so like in Pro Tools, when I hit numpad 3 it'll immediatly start recording.

I've had difficulty figuring out how to make it punch out using numpad3 also.

In Pro Tools, for example, when hitting numpad 3 repeatedly, it'll make like a bunch of punch ins over and over but it'll keep playing.

Im looking to make Reaper behave this way, like it does in your video. I have all of your custom macros loaded and everything but mine is not behaving that way.

I wanted to try tracking a session tomorrow afternoon in Reaper but if I can't get it to act that way then i'll just have to use Pro Tools :/ haha. I am excited about learning more about Reaper, it's a lot of fun, I just want it to behave right.

I am using the most current version of Reaper, version 3.661.


I've set your macro for "PT quick punch" to be NumPad 3, so like in Pro Tools, when I hit numpad 3 it'll immediatly start recording.

I've had difficulty figuring out how to make it punch out using numpad3 also.

In Pro Tools, for example, when hitting numpad 3 repeatedly, it'll make like a bunch of punch ins over and over but it'll keep playing.

Im looking to make Reaper behave this way, like it does in your video. I have all of your custom macros loaded and everything but mine is not behaving that way.

I wanted to try tracking a session tomorrow afternoon in Reaper but if I can't get it to act that way then i'll just have to use Pro Tools :/ haha. I am excited about learning more about Reaper, it's a lot of fun, I just want it to behave right.

I am using the most current version of Reaper, version 3.661.


The PT Quick Punch macro is part of a set of macros.

PT Quick Punch starts playback, PT Punch In punches in, and PT Punch Out punches out. Unfortunately it only allows one punch in during playback, you can't punch in multiple sections in the same pass.

You can do that just using regular record in Reaper though, the only problem is it only records when you hit record, so if you punch in a millisecond too late, you can't just drag the edge of the item to reveal the extra data.

Thanks for the quick response.

Another Reaper question for you, do you use Drumagog at all?

If so, have you noticed a UI issue w/ Drumagog in Reaper? Its the only plug in my set up thats UI doesn't properly load.

There is a UI button that you can push, and it just takes me to a blank screen. Its the only one, like I mentioned and the Reaper people have not properly addressed my concern about it.

Thanks for the quick response.

Another Reaper question for you, do you use Drumagog at all?

If so, have you noticed a UI issue w/ Drumagog in Reaper? Its the only plug in my set up thats UI doesn't properly load.

There is a UI button that you can push, and it just takes me to a blank screen. Its the only one, like I mentioned and the Reaper people have not properly addressed my concern about it.

Sorry can't help, I'm a Trigger/apTrigga guy.
Hi Adam.. Sorry for the massive bump.

But on your video 6 here, where you submixes using folders.. Is that essentially the same thing as going into your routing matrix and sending certain tracks to busses, just in a more organized way?
Hi Adam.. Sorry for the massive bump.

But on your video 6 here, where you submixes using folders.. Is that essentially the same thing as going into your routing matrix and sending certain tracks to busses, just in a more organized way?

Yeah, it's the same as creating a send and then disabling the "Master/Parent Send".

To me, track folders in Reaper are the same thing as setting a track's "Output" in Pro Tools, and I use them the same way. Any time where I would send a track's output to be the input of an Aux in Pro Tools, I use a parent folder as the aux and dump the track inside, it is the exact same thing just easier to setup than in PT and way easier to understand your routing visually.

I use sends in Reaper whenever I'd use a send in Pro Tools, which is only every for some sort of parallel processing (reverb/delay busses, etc.) or to create headphone mixes.

If you wanted to route your Snare to a main "Drum Bus" in Pro Tools, you wouldn't create a send to that bus and then set the output on the snare to "None", you'd route the output to the Drum Bus right, so that's the same way you deal with folders in Reaper. Folders are just submixes/output busses. I also use them when I want to print a snare sample track or something. Stick the snare track in a folder on it's own, call the folder "Snare Sample", set it to Record Output and then you can record the snare track there, just like if you were to send the original snare to a bus in Pro Tools, create a new audio track with that bus as the input and arm and record it! ;)
Yeah, it's the same as creating a send and then disabling the "Master/Parent Send".

To me, track folders in Reaper are the same thing as setting a track's "Output" in Pro Tools, and I use them the same way. Any time where I would send a track's output to be the input of an Aux in Pro Tools, I use a parent folder as the aux and dump the track inside, it is the exact same thing just easier to setup than in PT and way easier to understand your routing visually.

I use sends in Reaper whenever I'd use a send in Pro Tools, which is only every for some sort of parallel processing (reverb/delay busses, etc.) or to create headphone mixes.

If you wanted to route your Snare to a main "Drum Bus" in Pro Tools, you wouldn't create a send to that bus and then set the output on the snare to "None", you'd route the output to the Drum Bus right, so that's the same way you deal with folders in Reaper. Folders are just submixes/output busses. I also use them when I want to print a snare sample track or something. Stick the snare track in a folder on it's own, call the folder "Snare Sample", set it to Record Output and then you can record the snare track there, just like if you were to send the original snare to a bus in Pro Tools, create a new audio track with that bus as the input and arm and record it! ;)


Yeah, in the past I've always done CTRL+R and it brings up the routing matrix. I really like it, but I'll say, I'm digging your way a little more now! Thanks for your wonderful info dude
Any sign of your new vid soon Adam?

Is it a specific vid you are looking for me to do? Sorry I can't remember any of the things I've said I'd do, haha... What is it that I said I was going to do? Totally forget man!

I am planning to release a better version of this thread, in PDF form that goes through the basic "this is what you did in Pro Tools, this is how you do it in Reaper", starting from opening up an empty project, inserting tracks, setting your inputs, routing your tracks, recording your takes, editing, etc. all the way to printing the final mixes, and there will be new sets of videos and new preference/keymap/menu files to go along with that as well, but that will take some time! ;)