Aeon Zen - The Face of the Unknown

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
What the fuck! This is just fucking amazing prog metal from this young Cambridge boy. It blows the debut out of the water completely. The guy must be a fucking genius of some kind cause surely no normal 21 year old can come up with music of this standard especially in the complex prog metal field. I ordered this direct from the band's website and I'm floored. Prog metal cannot be better than this in 2010. It CANNOT I tell you. If there is one fan of regular prog metal on this board who doesn't go apeshit over this then there's seriously something wrong with them. Even if you are not a fan of regular prog metal you should still go apeshit over this btw!
I like the first one much more. This is good, but not nearly as memorable like the debut. Plus, I don't like the choice of singers this time out. For all his great songwriting and music from this prodigy, I don't care for Rich Hinks voice, and he's on 3 tracks this time deciding to sing. Plus he brought in Nick D'Virgilio (Spock's Beard) and Jem Godfrey (Frost*). Godfrey has left his singing to Dec Burke with Frost* (with good reason as I don't think he has a good voice), and D'Virgilio started singing only because Neal Morse left...two odd choices there. It's nice that they brought Andi K back for two songs and the inclusion of Mike from Circus Maximus on two is also great. Those 4 songs are the best. Unfortunately, the rest leave a little to be desired.