Alexi's Tattos

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yes... i made a new one and didnt find a ballsack on google :) but GRR @ deletion
I LOVE ALEXI LAIHO!!!!!!! He's the best. I will meet him one day..i know it...i fell it! If i can get front row in my first Bodom concert, i know i'll meet him. He's so close i can feel it. I don't have a problem. This is normal. I can like Alexi that much even if i haven't met him. It feels like I'm already so close to him. I know I'll meet him....if not be with him and fuck him.
I'd never get a face tatooed on to me. I know it would look ugly. I was thinking of getting Alexi's name tatooed somewhere close to where my heart is or his name on my fingers.
you can "fell it?"

Do you know how many people have sat in the front row at Bodom concerts and have never meet him? Trust me, Alexi doesn't give two fucks about you...
GrimReaper666 said:
I LOVE ALEXI LAIHO!!!!!!! He's the best. I will meet him one day..i know it...i fell it! If i can get front row in my first Bodom concert, i know i'll meet him. He's so close i can feel it. I don't have a problem. This is normal. I can like Alexi that much even if i haven't met him. It feels like I'm already so close to him. I know I'll meet him....if not be with him and fuck him.

You're like 15, he's nearly 30, you actually have no chance what-so-ever, please realise this...:erk:
I'm 17 and we are only 10 years apart. I have a very good chance. I will get noticed in the front. There must be some way. I'll make a sign saying "I love you Alexi". Then he'll notice me. And I'm sick of people thinking I'm only 13 or something. I'm not 13 for the 100th time! It doesn't matter what age I am. I can like Alexi no matter how old I am.

Woops, I meant to say "feel."
GrimReaper666, you are either a guy going in for a joke, because i don't think anyone with your kind of problems would speak the way you do and take the shittalking from everyone else on this forum with such calm, or you're 13.
Fuck, I'm not 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 17! For the 1000th time, I am not 13. What does age have to do with anything anyway!? And as for the shittaking, why should i get mad? I can calmly reply to any of the shit people say. It's not like I'm all of a sudden gonna get pissed and start cussing people out cuz i don't really care. I don't care for anything anymore except Alexi.
GrimReaper666 said:
I'm 17 and we are only 10 years apart. I have a very good chance. I will get noticed in the front. There must be some way. I'll make a sign saying "I love you Alexi". Then he'll notice me. And I'm sick of people thinking I'm only 13 or something. I'm not 13 for the 100th time! It doesn't matter what age I am. I can like Alexi no matter how old I am.

Woops, I meant to say "feel."

your have a good chance....?

GrimReaper666 said:
I'm 17 and we are only 10 years apart. I have a very good chance. I will get noticed in the front. There must be some way. I'll make a sign saying "I love you Alexi". Then he'll notice me. And I'm sick of people thinking I'm only 13 or something. I'm not 13 for the 100th time! It doesn't matter what age I am. I can like Alexi no matter how old I am.

Woops, I meant to say "feel."

17?????????// That's even worse. FUCK.

YOU'LL NEVER BE WITH HIM, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To everyone saying i'm 13: I'm NOT fuckin 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 17 for real. Oh well, i don't care how old you think i am anymore. It doesn't really matter...i just love Alexi. And I don't want anyone other then him. I will be with him. 17 is a good match...well it's not....but when i get older it will be.
GrimReaper666 said:
To everyone saying i'm 13: I'm NOT fuckin 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 17 for real. Oh well, i don't care how old you think i am anymore. It doesn't really matter...i just love Alexi. And I don't want anyone other then him. I will be with him. 17 is a good match...well it's not....but when i get older it will be., you and the other people who saw my other post know i'm 13 and thats not the point but just try controlling yourself from alexi. think of another person that is awesome besides him since he's like a famous finnish guitarist and you' theres alot of girls (& guys?) that like him besides you so the chances of you and him dating are slim
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