american metaller coming to sweden to see shows, can you advise me?


New Metal Member
Jan 17, 2002
california, usa
Hello, I'm a huge Opeth fan from America, I saw them last year in San Francisco. I'm sick of it here, and I want to go on holiday to Scandinavia and see all my favorite bands. I'm coming to finland on 31 January for the Nurmi Metal Fest, and will be travelling around Scandinavia throughout February. but it's difficult because many bands don't play live shows up here. So I have a question for you: where can I get a list of upcoming Swedish shows? Katatonia is not playing any shows, but I hope to maybe see Opeth or the norwegians Enslaved.

i'm a musician also, to hear my stuff go to
and click the link to MP3s. then select the mp3 called BOOM or if you've got a 56k connection, there is a short song called SCROTUM SYMPHONY.
only a crazy person would come to finland in winter, but i have to see the metal, the melancholy , and the stark northern winters for myself. i want to see the environment that has shaped the sounds of my favorite music.
does anyone want to show me around?


Steven Schultz
So you're coming to Sweden? Cool!

Well, this tuesday Kreator/Destruction/Sodom will play here and it's
sad you can't make it here by then.
Anyway, on the 17th of February Iced Earth will play here in
Stockholm. I will be there myself and i think it will be a cool show, so
be there if you can!

Otherwise there aren't that many cool gigs at the moment!
We have a metal club here called Club Aggression and they have
bands playing every sunday i think. I am not sure!
Check out their homepage for more info:

These are my advices!
Good luck and have fun in Stockholm!

Don't forget to salute the king & queen here with a BIG fuck you! :)