Amon Amarth questions


Jun 15, 2004
not a huge fan of them really at all. their more on the viking metal of things, and i'm not really into viking metal.

BUT - I heard Death in Fire and that song is fucking killer. any other songs like that or an album that i should really look into?

also what are some songs that have really killer solos in it?
Buy vs. the world...there are a lot of killer solos :headbang:
And listen to The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves this song has an impressiv solo..
the last album "fate of norns" hardly has any solos. i'd tell you to check out the albums "once sent from the golden hall" and of course, the highly aclaimed "versus the world"
no i don't download anything.

and I borrowed Once sent from the Golden Hall and it was alright. My friend told me it was their heavist work, but it didn't really suprise me. he also told me that VS. The world is more slower and has bad solos in it but was a good album, but i don't know, i'm more into that fast melodic technical fucking death/thrash metal. and power metal with harsh vocals :p
DeFy said:
no i don't download anything.

and I borrowed Once sent from the Golden Hall and it was alright. My friend told me it was their heavist work, but it didn't really suprise me. he also told me that VS. The world is more slower and has bad solos in it but was a good album, but i don't know, i'm more into that fast melodic technical fucking death/thrash metal. and power metal with harsh vocals :p

You can believe me...vs. the world will convince you...
I wouldn't know of Amon Amarth if I hadn't downloaded "The Ride for Vengeance" (another track with a killer solo, btw) and "Death in Fire." I now own a couple o' CDs and have seen AA live. I hope to do so again and even promote them in Glasgow if the opportunity arises.
what ever happened to tape trading and compilation cd's??? Thats where i found amon amarth. Found them on a death meister release with victorious march, and metalmeister had ride for vengeance on it, back in 98. The net makes shit alot easier but for some reason it doesn't seem right hahah oh well.
u gotta be out of your mind if you think borrowing CDs is illegal. thats fucking crazy. besides i could never try to keep my friends amon amarth cd he's a fucking huge amon amarth head.